Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] training " in BNC.

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1 Gibson and Gibson ( 1955 ) responded vigorously to this suggestion , arguing that there were no clear cases in which it was necessary to conclude that the associations formed by cues during discrimination training were responsible for changes in the distinctiveness of those cues .
2 A spokesman for Drake Training says that there is a possibility that it may establish an office in Moscow to put the training of Russian NetWare engineers on a more regular footing .
3 The development of computer-based public access systems to the holdings of one or more libraries , together with advances in online bibliographic searching , have increasingly led to the use of CAI programmes for user training , yet use of CAI programmes can hardly be said to be widespread .
4 Everything here at the college is geared up for those with no sight , or very little , which really does help because it prepares you for University training really , where they are n't geared up for you .
5 The heavy workload demanded the requirement for familiarisation training to get the Lincoln crews used to operating over the largely featureless Malayan jungle .
6 Free weights were used long before machines were invented for weight training , and virtually every exercise can be executed using them .
7 These " no-hopers " were probably given to me because I may well have been overheard to say I did not believe that there was such a person who had gone through a-initio training as a pilot who could not get on step by step until he became an operational pilot .
8 In the second half of the 1850s the Ministry of Education abolished enrolment quotas , exempted the badly off from the payment of fees , readopted the principle of despatching promising scholars to western Europe for postgraduate training , allowed women to attend lectures , ended the practice of monitoring students ' off-campus behaviour , reintroduced contentious subjects like west European law and the history of philosophy , and appointed broad-minded officials to the headships of the empire 's educational districts .
9 In particular , what effect will it have on patrolling officers ' discretionary decisions ( whether to prosecute or verbally advise an offending motorist ) , what consequences may there be for the management and monitoring of these discretionary enforcement practices by supervisory officers , and what implications are there for Force training
10 The research will investigate the relationship between postgraduate training in the social sciences and employment , focusing in particular on the demand from employers across the economy for doctoral social scientists from different disciplines , the flow into employment and early careers of such students and the contribution made by doctoral study to the labour market and the academic and professional communities .
11 Despite the importance for labour training and manpower planning , information about career patterns is extremely rare in Britain , because of the problems of collecting and analysing longitudinal data .
12 A training mode for cashier training .
13 I could still run , so I turned up for football training and things have gone on from there .
14 The great community spirit has enabled a children 's play park to be established close by the village hall , and more recently a sports field which has a beautiful pavilion and caters for football , cricket , tennis , bowls , and a floodlit area for football training and five-a-side tournaments throughout the winter .
15 In three days time , after acclimatization training , the Russian lads were to take delivery of the aircraft and fly them back to Irkutsk by way of Yakutsk .
16 Nevertheless , the peripheral effects bring a marked benefit for the heart , since any given level of exercise requires less oxygen , and therefore a lower heart rate and blood pressure after exercise training than it did before .
17 The NIAAF recognise that with the meeting coming so early in the track and field season the next few weeks are going to be hectic , with so many of Britain 's top athletes having just returned to these shores after sunshine training abroad … so the booking of Jarrett is a tremendous ‘ start ’ .
18 ( c ) Absence of positive transfer after distinctiveness training
19 Later on the results would affect our choice of regiment and our aptitude for specialist training .
20 Editor , — Linda Beecham 's report on the BMA 's submission to the chief medical officer 's working party on specialist training related to training requirements in the European Community includes the statement : ‘ Since the work of public health doctors in the United Kingdom has changed considerably since 1975 the requirements for specialist training have no relevance . ’
21 The committed fighter is already making regular journeys to and from London for specialist training and will box in Canada next month to warm up for Barcelona .
22 When off skis and quads , Ruggia has a YZ125 moto crosser parked in his garage and a new WR250 enduro bike for winter training sessions .
23 ‘ Management ’ ( which is relatively cheap ) is seen as the key to change : so education support grants are made available for management training , management consultants proliferate , and the Secretary of State sets up a high-powered task force to investigate the management training and development needs of heads and senior staff .
24 Less successful companies at best " dabble " in management development , occasionally sampling " flavours of the month " or attempting " magic wand " techniques for management training ( acronymously labelled , for example , MIPS and PIPS ) .
25 This view was endorsed in the School Management Task Force report ( DES 1990f ) , and by 1991 Leeds LEA had a policy and programme for management training ( Leeds City Council 1991 a ) which sought to address the management needs of all staff — heads , deputies , staff tutors , INSET coordinators , curriculum coordinators and probationers .
26 It is also essential , as Alexander ( 1984 ) emphasizes , to avoid the historic tendency for management training to concentrate on how schools should be run while neglecting the purposes they serve .
27 If to these one adds other emerging initiatives in management INSET — the management training programme now firmly in place ( Leeds City Council 1991a ) , school-led INSET , and external management courses supported by the LEA — then the massive scale of provision for management training by the 1990s becomes very clear .
28 from Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations — a survey of the needs for management training
29 Although information about the roles of heads is argued as being incomplete , particularly if new bases are needed for management training , there seems little doubt that their willingness to help the performance of their colleagues by taking on more of the low-level chores of school life can be misdirected .
30 The centre is to be built in Berwick Hills and will include a conference hall , 40-bedroom residential centre for management training and an advice base to direct the unemployed into jobs or training .
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