Example sentences of "[prep] [be] fair " in BNC.

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1 The complexity stems from the aim of being fair to everyone , particularly existing investors .
2 You see it 's all to do with being fair and
3 erm , the one thing that I thought was under person who is who is talking he 's got ta be I think he 's got ta be firm so that the person understands that erm that what is required but he 's also got ta be fair at the same time has n't he ?
4 There has been a failure of the crankshaft thrust washers in this case , and certainly in my view that 's exactly what the insurance is there for , and by virtue of the fact that this company is n't honouring it I feel very strongly about and I 'm endeavouring to correct that , but I think erm we 've got ta be fair that this is a conflict of interest to me .
5 ‘ Terrible , ’ he told them — and to be fair it was entirely without relish that he spoke .
6 He was , to be fair , smiling .
7 I love all dogs but , to be fair , Bull Terriers are my first real love .
8 To be fair to him , he had repeatedly hinted that , when the evidence was in , it would show that Pound 's contribution went far beyond the mere passing of judgement on particular passages ; and indeed it turned out that the very structure of the poem had been extricated by Pound , rather than conceived and composed by the poet whose name appeared on the title-page .
9 But , to be fair , the McLaren directors had other matters on their mind in Portugal as they moped Senna 's fevered brow and cursed Mansell 's unwelcome intrusion into a family affair .
10 ( The Labour Party , to be fair , has never observed quite the same double standards when it comes to private and public speech ) .
11 She got a better deal , to be fair , out of the Common Market , because she was so difficult .
12 I think you 've got to be fair about how much time you give the family .
13 To be fair , she was a good-hearted woman who tried to do her best .
14 To be fair , the assumption that a single woman must be seeking the refuge of coupledom again is common to men and women .
15 To be fair , there is no doubt that with luck , commonsense and sensible advice many people have done very well out of privatisation shares .
16 For political reasons as much as for economic ones , the government needs to come up with a scheme that is simple ( so that its essence can be explained in one sentence ) and seen to be fair ( the duke pays more than the dustman ) .
17 To be fair , Britain 's budget does matter more than most — even though , unlike the others , it is concerned with gathering revenue rather than spraying it around .
18 The ‘ defending ’ firm 's use of any legal ploy , including ‘ poison pills ’ designed to make the acquisition indigestible , is cheerfully assumed to be fair .
19 I know you are one , but try to be fair .
20 But to be fair that was just the gourmets .
21 To be fair , Same-Lamborghini UK did say that it had n't had any complaints about lifting capacity here .
22 But a desire to be fair , a wish to be absolutely certain , and an understandable reluctance to accuse someone of perfidy who has been a friend of mine for six difficult years made me pull the telephone back to my mouth .
23 In Britain , the tits you see will be blue tits , great tits , coal tits , crested tits , marsh tits , or willow tits ( to be fair , you are unlikely to be able to distinguish the latter two unless you listen to their calls and songs ) .
24 To be fair , there 's no reason why anyone 's early home movies should appeal outside home ; and Time Zones and In The Shadow of the Sun ( ReVision / Jettisoundz , 18 and U , £14.99 each ) are no exception .
25 But to be fair , none of the drivers had had that Mr Major or Mr Kinnock or Mr Ashdown in the back of the cab .
26 Nor is it possible to imagine the Regent allowing such a hideous series of plates to be made to commemorate his coronation , though , to be fair , even Regency designers might have had trouble making an elegant plate incorporating a photographic portrait of the old reprobate .
27 ‘ We do try to be fair to everybody , ’ said a Milk Marketing Board spokesman .
28 To be fair , some stations , for example the one at Hinkley Point in Somerset , have worked much better than this description suggests , and the two latest examples , at Heysham in Lancashire and Torness in Scotland , look more promising .
29 To be fair , some British Rail employees do their best to inform .
30 To be fair , he does n't seem to have much power .
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