Example sentences of "[prep] [be] brought " in BNC.

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1 He headed in in the 31st minute after Wright 's centre had taken a deflection , then scored from the penalty spot after being brought down by Bennett .
2 If you take any wild animal and keep it in captivity ( I would have to say most wild animals ; some insects might be taken into captivity without any suffering , but if you take vertebrates into captivity there is certainly going to be suffering ) , sometimes the animals will die very quickly after being brought into captivity , and again there is often an effect on the functioning of the immune system because they often succumb to diseases which would not otherwise have killed them .
3 She says she learned toughness after being brought up in a man 's world by her divorced father , Ryan O'Neal .
4 He has affectionate links with the county and indeed played for the 2nd XI and a local club after being brought over originally by Viv Richards , a fellow Antiguan .
5 The animal was seized after being brought ashore illegally from a foreign ship .
6 One local SD report stated frankly that after the November speech hostile opinion could hardly be registered because of the fear ‘ of being brought to reckoning ’ .
7 This time the slavery was that of sin , and the freedom that of being brought back to God .
8 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
9 The function of the leave requirement is not spelled out in Order 53 , but it is designed to weed out cases which have no real chance of success or which might be called ‘ frivolous ’ or ‘ vexatious ’ in the sense of being brought not out of a genuine interest in the outcome but for some ulterior motive such as to make things difficult for a government agency .
10 The requirements of the crusade and the tensions of being brought to the brink of battle both pointed to the need for a long , rather than a short truce .
11 But such a trifle was not worthy of being brought by such a gentleman as you seem to be .
12 The probability indeed is that the eastern Angles either had been or were in the process of being brought into a dependent relationship with Eadwine by the time of his marriage to Aethelburh or at least not long after .
13 sort this out sensibly , the police overreact , they arrest him at midnight in the clothes he stands up in , they take him down to the police station , he 's held in the police station for about thirty six hours or so , something like that , er instead of being brought before the court straight away and released on bail straight away , they , they keep him in custody where he 's never been before , er and Madam he 's then released on bail but court imposes silly conditions on him , conditions that he should n't go back to his home address , he ca n't go and see his girlfriend , he ca n't go and see his children , er , and Madam it seems to be an abuse of the process really of the court to behave in this way .
14 The careful , thorough examination continues : each charge in the pamphlet complained of is brought out and evenly dismissed .
15 Before the brigade of receptionists change shift they must ensure that all work has been processed as far as possible and that any messages or matters to be dealt with are brought to the attention of the evening shift .
16 For example , refractive errors ( those defects in the shape of the eye that prevent light rays from being brought sharply on to the retina in a single focus and which include short-sightedness , long-sightedness and astigmatism can often be at least partially corrected by the provision of appropriate lenses in eyeglasses .
17 The massive forgetting of dreams can be explained in terms of the strait-jacket of a single thought-stream preventing the formation of any such intention , or dream events from being brought into perspective or made sense of .
18 Most fare very badly in captivity and are voluntarily banned from being brought into the country by most of the large importers .
19 This in turn is bound to discourage some prosecutions from being brought .
20 First , it revived international concern over what had often been called the ‘ forgotten war ’ — although it had by then lasted longer than the Second World War , it was still far from being brought to a formal end .
21 They will remain there for up to ten weeks , before being brought into a warm greenhouse so we can force them into flower .
22 Jorge Quintana Silva and another student , Carlos Ortega , were arrested on 4 January 1990 and detained for 10 months before being brought to trial .
23 Detainees have often been held for weeks or months without access to defence lawyers before being brought to trial on charges such as rebellion , illegal association and ‘ enemy propaganda ’ ( a charge brought against those accused of producing , distributing or possessing any information regarded as subversive by the authorities ) .
24 If the product was made in the United States and brought to France before being brought to England , then the person who imported it into France is liable .
25 One way of overcoming this is by spinning a large-area sample of the solid in the laser beam , so that any individual spot is irradiated for a short time only , and is able to cool before being brought back into the beam .
26 Her novel had remained relevant over two centuries simply because Frankenstein was the archetype of the scientist whose research , pursued in the sacred name of increasing knowledge , takes on a life of its own and causes untold misery before being brought under control .
27 Welgemoed was initially given a deputy ministerial post in the March 13 changes , before being brought into the Cabinet as announced on March 28 .
28 A judicial reform passed by parliament on Nov. 19 reduced the period for which suspects could be held in custody before being brought to trial and allowed them access to a lawyer during questioning .
29 Hagans threw down a statement he 'd been holding , and took three paces to the centre of the court before being brought to the floor and marched to the cells , to shouts from the public gallery .
30 According to BR 's director of operational standards , Terence Worrell , it should have been re-evaluated before being brought into use .
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