Example sentences of "[prep] [be] big " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Truck drivers have the reputation of being big , bald , aggressive , vulgar men — but I find them quite harmless , ’ she says of her work .
2 You , you know how I feel , I mean er Rob does a lot of good work but he keeps it all to himself and we 've got ta be bigger than keeping it to ourselves , it 's everybody 's responsibility vocational education from right down from year seven right the way across the board , they 've got ta
3 WELLINGTON — The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica threatens to be bigger than ever this year , according to New Zealand scientists , writes David Barber .
4 As it is , not only is the average specification of cars sold in Britain the highest in Europe , but cars destined for the British market also tend to be bigger , with ‘ upper-medium-sized ’ cars disproportionately popular compared with elsewhere in Europe .
5 The pans on these barrows tend to be bigger so you can carry more , and additional features like pneumatic tyres , front bracing and a tilt bar make them easier to manoeuvre when loaded .
6 And also you 've got to remember that it might be OK for Jamaican or West Indian or African women to be bigger when they 're older , but most of them were slim when they were young .
7 Even if there had been another big story , it would have to be very big indeed to be bigger than this one ! ’
8 It needed to be bigger , for it was widely used as a plough ox on the very heavy , stiff clays of the Sussex Weald and in its more distant past it played a valuable role in the Sussex iron industry by hauling hefty loads of timber and metal .
9 In general , when male animals compete for the attention of females , the biggest males are most likely to be successful ; therefore , as Darwin observed , in species where the males compete , they tend to be bigger than females , as in baboons or in most species of seal .
10 I will be a lady no , I will have to be bigger still more .
11 There are , in fact , times when the young will actually appear to be bigger than their mother .
12 The Monday 's carnival procession will leave the Butts Green as usual and proceed through the town to Anstey Park , where the entertainment is expected to be bigger and better than ever .
13 Preparations are now well advanced for this year 's ride , which promises to be bigger and better .
14 T : I 've got a lot more respect for them now because I met one of them at a party once and he told me they 're going to be bigger than The Beatles — in all seriousness .
15 We 're going to get more so it 's going to be a bigger piece that that is n't it it 's going to be bigger than the quarter .
16 ’ I would have expected you to be bigger ’ .
17 The plaintiff is playing with higher stakes because the cost penalty is likely to be bigger than the amount by which the defendant might overestimate the claim .
18 If they can get a foothold in Europe they will have the chance to be bigger and better .
19 The hon. Member for Dagenham wants not only to recreate a GLC but , as my hon. Friend the Member for Harrow , West said , for it to be bigger and for it to control the police , which the old GLC never did .
20 The main hall of the first Alexandra Palace was to be bigger than St Peter 's in the Vatican .
21 The effect is likely to be bigger on the precautionary demand : a higher interest rate may encourage people to risk tying up their money .
22 Yeah , you can choose any decimal , it does n't have to even start with numbers , cos it could start with zero , it does n't , does n't have , does n't have , it does n't have to be bigger than one , it can be smaller than one .
23 Next year the Malvern Hills Classic promises to be bigger … better … and who knows , even bumpier .
24 That is why it had to be big .
25 His was the snarling rage , hers the shame as she peed and peed and swore one day to be big enough to beat him , razor his skin , utterly humiliate him , and scorn his cries for mercy .
26 The only thing that did n't work was the understanding that we had to be big time very quickly .
27 The company expects the makers of electrolytic batteries ( like the ones in cars ) to be big customers for its new product .
28 ‘ Maybe you just want to be big again .
29 Nor does it need to be big or expensive looking .
30 There are likely to be big changes in the relationship with WIC in the next year , ’ a source said .
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