Example sentences of "[adj] caused [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps Somalia has more in common with Chad , another desert full of warlords , where the toppling of one gang by another caused no more than a bit of looting last month .
2 And this caused a flaming row at the school debating society .
3 This caused a few gasps , as well it might .
4 This caused a delay of nine minutes , but play was able to restart for the last couple of overs .
5 Obviously this caused a great deal of distress for all concerned , not least the hospital team .
6 This caused a good deal of consternation and dismay in Westminster .
7 This caused a sensation among the surfing fraternity , but dismay in the hearts of Quiksilver 's rivals .
8 This caused a murmur of surprise amongst the onlookers .
9 I did hear from friends , who were still in service at the time , that this caused a lot of bad feeling . ,
10 This caused a needle to bend to an angle at which I had never seen a needle before !
11 This caused a minor storm , even though Major eventually followed their advice and deployed troops .
12 This caused a check or hitch in the flow of their talk ; he was suppressing a need to expostulate .
13 It is perhaps not surprising that this caused a political backlash in the early 1990s .
14 This caused a panic rush on banks and created such a shortage of new cruzeiros that the black market for dollars was reported to have collapsed .
15 This caused a bit of a chuckle from and his wife , as they apparently did most of their courting on a similar looking bench .
16 Amnesty admits this caused a problem last year , after two disastrous benefits at the Milton Keynes Bowl .
17 This caused a frisson of pure terror , but Hamilton was not to be denied .
18 This caused a spark , which ignited the vapour , causing an explosion which destroyed the ship .
19 This caused a violent explosion resulting in extensive damage .
20 You were taking money out of this fund when relatives of the dead were hoping to be paid funeral expenses , and this caused a great deal of distress and anger . ’
21 In the early stages of her marriage she kept her maiden name but when this caused a few rumblings in Arkansas and Clinton lost his bid for re-election as governor in 1980 , she took his name and he was returned to office two years later .
22 So long as both the computer 's screen fonts and the printer or typesetter fonts were from the same source this caused no great problems but if the two were mixed then real trouble could occur .
23 While , with hindsight , this caused an un-sustainable level of borrowing and contributed to the collapse of the residential property market , the increased competition has placed the consumer in an all-powerful position when choosing a mortgage and how to repay it .
24 This caused an angry confrontation and Minton apologised for his deceit .
25 The mainsheet traveller tore off the deck and began a chain reaction : next to go was the boom vang , and this caused the boom to fracture at the gooseneck , overloading the mast check-stay which parted .
26 Once it has been established that D was committing a criminal offence , the second step is to establish that this caused the death .
27 This caused the atom to be ejected from the crystal surface .
28 It was here that the wife of Prince Windischgrätz was killed by a stray bullet and this caused the prince to react with unnecessary violence against the protesters .
29 He could have resented being called out on such a dark , stormy night , not saddled the King 's horse properly and this caused the accident on Kinghorn Ness .
30 This caused the aircraft to turn downwind rapidly .
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