Example sentences of "[adj] corner [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Obvious cracks soared to the left and right , reminiscent of Fairhead in Antrim , but I craved subtlety after the brutal corner we 'd just climbed .
2 As we turned another corner we came across a few villagers handling copra .
3 In the top left-hand corner I used thalictrum leaves with some alchemilla flowers , and chose potentilla ‘ Miss Willmott ’ for the main flowers .
4 It was a good goal erm they they played well it was a good move it , we we saw a great run by Lewis to get this corner which was a smashing bit of football .
5 The men of the Somerset Levels paid a tithe called ‘ moor-penny ’ ; their cattle suffered from a disease called ‘ moor-evil ’ ; and in every pond and damp corner you will still see the jerking movements of the moorhen .
6 ‘ It was gone , Eric , ’ he had explained , his eyes fidgeting to every part of Colonel Windsor 's crammed office as if seeking some corner which would not awaken images of once familiar surroundings .
7 We can have ( 52 ) but never ( 53 ) : ( 52 ) Lewis left the bag in a dark corner his short answer irritated her ( 53 ) Lewis left the bag in a corner dark his answer short irritated her In suggesting the elements from which an answer can be constructed , we should bear in mind that here , as often in syntax , to assume a single explanatory factor risks oversimplifying matters .
8 We may need back-up — Dillon is n't a man I like but in a tight corner he 's formidable . ’
9 I 've got a filing cabinet that 's sat in my little corner which is empty , just a big tin box that 's got little keys , I mean , but it 's not ideally situated at the moment .
10 They were finally rewarded when Wadforth fired them in front from a short corner but they momentarily relaxed and Pelicans replied almost immediately with a well-worked move from a long corner which caught out the defence .
11 As she approaches it , she can not at first see Alix , but she believes that Alix will be there , and indeed momently she is : they converge , Esther from the west , Alix from the south , and moderate their pace ( Esther accelerating slightly , Alix marginally slowing down ) so that they meet upon the very corner itself .
12 But in her small corner it was as if time had decided to take an extended coffee-break .
13 Two rectangular buildings there had a pit sunk in one corner which might be taken as a distinguishing feature .
14 On one corner they were hooted after by a group of young men wearing brown bowlers tipped over their eyes , and then they grew particularly bold , following them along the cracked pavement , Rose turned and screamed after them , ‘ Does yer muvver know yer art ? ’
15 In one corner we have Nintendo as represented by a dodgy Italian plumber called Mario , and in the other we have Sega which has put its faith in a trendy blue hedgehog called Sonic .
16 In one corner we put a box where the bird could shelter , and we covered this with corrugated iron sheeting ( though it 's since been replaced with corrugated plastic ) .
17 In one corner there is a sunken jacuzzi with a young person in it , moving sinuously in the bubbling waters .
18 In one corner there was a sink and a gas ring , partly hidden by a screen , a pile of unwashed crockery on a small table and a red plastic bucket filled with empty tins , tea leaves and broken egg shells .
19 His own trade included the quick memorising of landscape and cityscape and at one corner there was an L-shaped alley that cut off the building on the corner itself giving an alternative route to making a left turn on the streets .
20 It was bright , with house-plants , posters of pop stars and cartoons and in one corner there even appeared to be a hamster or a gerbil in a cage , but as Rachel looked around she caught David watching her carefully .
21 He was applying a match to some kind of heater , and from a small counter in the far corner there was a distinct smell of coffee pervading the atmosphere .
22 Usually in the bottom right corner there is a ‘ ladder ’ of information including pack weight , storage instructions and some nutrition information eg. ‘ high in polyunsaturates ’ , ‘ naturally low in fat ’ , ‘ no added sugar ’ or rich in a particular vitamin .
23 There is no spider to be seen it had of course retreated to the darkest corner it could find again .
24 You simply roam around , safe in the knowledge that round each corner there will be something to please .
25 For the bottom right-hand corner I chose some rose leaves with alchemilla and Japanese anemones , and the bottom left-hand design used some agrimony leaves with astrantia and single red roses .
26 My memories of it , I 've got , I 've always got wonderful memories of the Co-op , you see and that Co-op has been there m on that corner which , when it closed a few years ago I went down to see the present executive officer , he was then assistant , and we campaigned against the closing of Walsall Wood shop but erm course it was of no avail .
27 because he said that when I came into that corner I pulled in I 'd slowed too much and then had to drive round , drive round the corner with my left foot flat on the floor and I thought oh , should n't your left foot be flat on the floor when you corner and that 's probably what he was getting at , as I could off been slipping the clutch .
28 Well again er , er a three bedroomed house , I would , you see and they were putting one plug in , in , in each , each bedroom and , and two plugs in the main bedroom so they dropped one down altogether and erm , erm in a lounge like this to put two plugs in , sort of one in that corner and one in that corner it 's no good to anybody , it 's , as much as anything else was er , er about placing plugs as well er , if one 's only going to have two plugs well then least one should be able to place them in , in the right positions , er putting them behind doors is , is , is no good at all , a lot of them have been done that way because the it always means flex is going to be draped across the , the door if people are walking in gon na trip over it and erm , they probably got down to now , something er just less than the standard I would think in the , in the last houses they built .
29 That was right on that corner it had been
30 Every time he got to that corner it 'd be like that , all fucking giving it some of that .
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