Example sentences of "[adj] enough [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She would never be believed and he was discreet enough for all normal purposes .
2 I liked to think that , while discreet enough for an important occasion , the ensemble made its own kind of personal statement .
3 All the Okapi work has been done on systems which have been developed at least to a point where they are reliable and complete enough to be installed in a library unattended .
4 This was humiliating enough without having an audience looking on .
5 I can never be grateful enough to them for the sacrifice they made to keep me at school , when even ten shillings a week would have relieved the pressure on the food bill .
6 It was a most fruitful involvement and I can never be grateful enough for what I learned about the long history of Burma and the Buddhist culture which was woven into the life of the people .
7 And if he was still alert enough to be insulting , his wound might not be so bad after all .
8 Copper in contrast was not durable enough for big editions , and where its effects were desired it was increasingly replaced by steel ; but this was much less used than wood for works of science .
9 I think it 's a bit of an art — trying to get something that 's concise enough to be published whilst covering all the points you want to raise — especially in reply to twits like .
10 As one further measure of the rapport that was established , most respondents eventually became assured enough in her presence to express their feelings about being the subject of research .
11 In time , the results may look coherent enough to be defined as Majorism .
12 Town planning was neither strong nor coherent enough as a discipline and profession for it to stake a claim and take over other intellectual territory ; as a movement it was too inwardly diverse to be sufficiently self-willed to embark on aggrandizement in its remit .
13 But the rivalry was friendly enough for all teams to congratulate each other on their performances .
14 If a fish was receptive enough to electricity to pick up any tiny currents induced in its body , they would provide an additional guide to the Earth 's magnetic field .
15 In other circumstances she would have been more than willing to engage in this conversation herself , for it was one she had frequently enjoyed ; she liked Otto , she had always mildly fancied that he liked her , she was amused by the offhand continental gallantries with which he interspersed , absent-mindedly , the rigour of his argument ; but tonight she was tired , her eyes were closing , she had had four hours of party already , had not enjoyed the Hargreaves drama , had not enjoyed her talks with Ivan Warner and Teddy Lazenby , had been polite enough for long enough , and wanted to go home ; so stood at Brian 's elbow , dully , a reproachful wife , slightly annoyed that neither of them took much notice of her , as Otto invoked the name of Max Weber , a name which meant nothing to her at all , a name which excluded her , exhausted her , and provoked her into prodding , yet again , but this time successfully , Brian 's arm , and murmuring of baby-sitter Sharon , who was only sixteen .
16 Will he assure us that next week 's debate will be far-reaching enough for us to explain that in the early days of the Conservative Government — 1979 and 1980 — we had to repay massive debts incurred by the previous Labour Government and that since then we have religiously cut taxation ?
17 This glove has since fulfilled my requirements for treasure hunting being tough enough , warm enough and dry enough for use on land sites , the beach and — obviously underwater .
18 It was n't performance-intensive enough for Silicon Grahpics Inc , but included stuff like multi-processor support that was completely unimportant in a mainstream Intel competitor , but yet it remained hard to design and debug .
19 I 'm spineless enough to be steered away from the obvious , safe , acclaimed designer label choices I had in mind , and it 's already started .
20 Once viewed as not ample enough for a family meal , duck is now available in boneless breast fillets and joints which make portion control and carving easier .
21 Breakfast comes mainly buffet style and is ample enough for even the heartiest of appetites .
22 He was pleasant enough in general , though most people who met him formed the vaguest of ideas that he might be dangerous in some unspecified way .
23 There has been a fair amount of half-hearted canvassing by Wales to try to persuade members of other unions that South Africa is not really stable enough as a country to host the 1995 World Cup .
24 It 's stable enough on level ground with the optional plastic stabilising base fitted to the cartridge , but the height makes it a little wobbly on rough ground .
25 Politics must play a major role in any decision — but how long can the organisers afford to defer their verdict on whether the country is stable enough to stage World Cup 1995 ?
26 Stringfellow was an outstanding designer and builder of small lightweight steam engines , but his model aeroplanes suffered from the twin disadvantages of being too large to be fully tested indoors , and not stable enough to be tested out of doors .
27 But he was stable enough to be transferred from the town 's general hospital to the specialist Walton centre for neurology and neurosurgery in Liverpool , where he remains on a ventilator .
28 In that year Cook claimed that he had one million clients and the business was stable enough for him to settle clients ' bills , but he was not actually running inclusive tours yet .
29 Nor is it stable enough for a faith without foundations .
30 The car is travelling at about 100 mph on the straights and braking hard before corners ; but it is stable enough for me to make notes and so quiet in the leather and teak-lined cabin that we can easily hear each other through out helmets .
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