Example sentences of "[adj] society where " in BNC.

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1 For example , Fielding ( 1982 ) takes the best elements of the three main models : ( a ) the desire to live in a more rural setting ; ( b ) the availability of new jobs in the sunrise industries of the rural areas ; and ( c ) regional planning by governments to argue that the two main factors are first , the development of a post-industrial society where the mobile middle classes are relocating the new industries , and second , the rise of service employment , particularly in the more attractive rural areas of each country .
2 In this context , then , approaches to education must begin from the notion , articulated by André Gorz and others , that ours is a post-industrial society where paid work on a full-time basis is no longer to be seen as the norm , and where ‘ education for life ’ rather than ‘ training for jobs ’ should be the objective .
3 It just shows how much people take for granted in contemporary society where kissing has become as ordinary as a handshake and the media are constantly giving us the message that sex is only exciting if it is different or forbidden .
4 The other is coming to terms with a more liberal society where dissent and public protest are no longer automatically met with assault and arrest .
5 This also applies in a state socialist society where the government can control the economy by limitation or expansion of production , which should ( in theory ) match demand .
6 It is a remarkably well-adjusted society where the alienation of adolescence , universal throughout Europe and Asia , is unheard of .
7 Do you not agree that you writers have had an easier time of it than we in the West , in a closed society where your cultural values are protected , albeit at a price ?
8 The second , fully-fledged ‘ class consciousness ’ or ‘ radical value system ’ , locates the cause of social ills in the dominance of capitalism and prefigures a new post-revolutionary society where working class interests will be universalized .
9 In a permissive society where officialdom and authority were being questioned at every turn , misbehaviour and impetuousness became a badge of courage and style .
10 The modern world has become dominated by the rational and technical society where specialisation in work is no longer related to traditional skills or crafts ( based in the home ) but to the economic and functional necessity of the marketplace .
11 His objective was to challenge what he called ‘ the liberal theory of the state ’ which ‘ assumed that in political society where anarchy was to be avoided there must be a supreme authority which gives orders to all and receives orders from none ’ .
12 Foreigners have too often seen Japan as a monolithic society where individualism is frowned upon and conformity all important , where the tendency is towards harmony and consensus and a healthy element of conflict decidedly absent , and where the role of the group is all-pervasive .
13 We live in a highly mobile society where the norm is to live in small nuclear family groups , probably many miles away from the rest of the family and maybe having very little physical contact or communication with other members of the ‘ tribe ’ .
14 3 ‘ It must also prepare young people for the work they will be called upon to do in the society which exists in Tanzania — a rural society where improvement will depend largely upon the efforts of the people in Agriculture and village development . ’
15 In Catalonia there was little criticism of a territorial aristocracy that took little or no interest in its lands : the large farmers were confident and secure in an aristocratic rural society where an early and major defeat of the economic power of the nobility had left the masovers a rural bourgeoisie .
16 So diminished status differentials in private companies is said to reflect the existence of a more egalitarian society where leadership is based on personal merit .
17 Beggars , the mark of over-populated underemployed Spain , were rare in an egalitarian society where the peasant held his land on a secure tenure and at a low rent ; where the hold of the anarchic nobility had long been destroyed ; where it was socially impossible to evict ; and where women were the social and legal equals of men .
18 The stance adopted by the Act does not concede the full force of the argument that ‘ there may be a need for a clear legislative recognition that expression of unashamedly racist sentiments , as such , is an aspect of freedom of speech too costly in terms of long-term social disharmony to be tolerated in a pluralistic society where ultimately the possibility of democracy and civil liberty may depend on wholehearted public commitment to the fostering of social solidarity . ’
19 East Germany has defeated the ‘ class enemy ’ and created a superior society where human beings can develop free of exploitation .
20 Here at last , people have an abundant society where all benefit and all are free to live and work in a flexible , creative way .
21 And the theme is obviously of high consequence for the portrayal of any society where race is a trouble and where one race has subdued another .
22 Read as much as you can , see if there are any other cichlid keepers in your area , or a local aquatic society where you could ask questions and get advice .
23 In Western society where the reverse is manifestly the case , the earliest recorded surgical breast reduction did n't take place until 1731 .
24 Other fascists interpreted it as a locomotive of history : an opportunity to create a new society where the major political consequence of the war , the greater direction and control of economic activity by the government , could be harnessed for social reform in peacetime .
25 The Row was a highly-traditional society where the skills of the trade were passed on from generation to generation .
26 In a modern society where just two children are the norm , any birth is a major event , every birth has major consequences for the mother 's material circumstances and future .
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