Example sentences of "[adj] times his " in BNC.

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1 After that , of course , Tuathal had had to drop his attack and race to be first over the river , since he could not face eight times his number in the open plain between the Glen and the crossing .
2 At such times his friends would gather around and pray for him .
3 At such times his domination of the Company was virtually complete .
4 Sberbank has asked the government to give each depositor cash equal to three times his deposit on January 1st 1992 , as well as a ten-year bond worth 21 times his average deposit in 1992 .
5 ( I did not earn , as Leslie imagined , three times his pay : in fact I got £200 a year , out of which I paid a pound a week income tax , a guinea a week for billeting , five shillings for transport , and the cost of meals at the cafeteria at Bletchley .
6 And one Chemical Sales Manager said he increased his company profit on his next deal by more than three times his own salary !
7 Chris Novoselic rolled a cigarette with the deliberate , weary motions of a man three times his age , while Dave Grohl sat motionless for ten minutes with a towel over his head , every now and again moaning , ‘ I think I 'm about to die ’ .
8 Sberbank has asked the government to give each depositor cash equal to three times his deposit on January 1st 1992 , as well as a ten-year bond worth 21 times his average deposit in 1992 .
9 He 's a natural doer and thinker and organizer , easily bored by detail , but brilliant at conceiving conferences and programmes of action , and he can hold his own with academics three times his age . ’
10 Three times his donkey saw the invisible angel sent by God , and stopped dead .
11 When we asked Ranteallo how many times his father had been married , he replied rather confusingly : " Marriages , only five .
12 He scored the Orrell try and at all times his canny persistence had Wasps on the back foot .
13 Roger , Lord North , admitted that as a subsidy commissioner he had let men off lightly in Cambridgeshire : everyone was known to be worth ten times his assessment in goods and six times in land ; some were worth twenty or thirty times their assessments .
14 Indeed , I heard several times his lordship express the view that without the participation of such a personage , any discussion on the topic of Germany would be little more than an indulgence .
15 He does not pursue into modern times his lively thought about the connection between commerce and art ; wisely , perhaps .
16 Miles Davis has already described Prince 's music as jazz ; his use of electronics can be a as minimal and futurist as Front 242 or DAF ; at other times his intentions are patently psychedelic .
17 At other times his need to go to her was awful , He wanted them to complete each other , to be made fully whole and created by her , instead of enduring the throes of his uncreated self .
18 Each individual 's participation will be limited so that the aggregate price payable on the exercise of all options granted to him under the Scheme in any ten year period ( but leaving out of account options which have been exercised ) will not exceed four times his annual remuneration .
19 Before any options are granted to replace those which have already been exercised and which would result in the total value of options granted to an individual under the Scheme ( including options which have been exercised ) exceeding four times his annual remuneration , the Committee will satisfy itself that the grant of such options is justified by the performance of the Company in the previous two to three years .
20 Larry Hagman haggled almost four times his own fee to re-enrol after the ( un-mortal ) shooting .
21 He is in the 100 kilogramme class and has lifted nearly four times his own weight .
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