Example sentences of "[adj] few weeks " in BNC.

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1 National Railway Museum Curator of Operations Ray Towell , who has been with ‘ City of Truro ’ during most of the current tour , commented : ‘ It 's been a hectic and very pleasant few weeks to date but the welcome we 've had everywhere has been magnificent .
2 The guy shot tonight will be forgotten about in another few weeks
3 So for another few weeks or months the question of the unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions is still open .
4 Well , another few weeks in prison wo n't make much difference to your brother , but it might to my niece .
5 in another few weeks hard work and you 'll feel very What I 'll do is if I give you a note for a further two months , and we can Is your job safe ?
6 There 's another few weeks have drifted and sooner or later we 'll have to start making .
7 But some few weeks later she happened to bring home from the library a volume of Marx 's early writings .
8 When the Liberation came , the French dealt with the open collaborators in a brutal few weeks of epuration — a purge in which some innocents suffered .
9 But when no announcements of conclusive victory emerged in the following few weeks , people began — as was reported towards the end of October — to express their impatience that the struggle for Stalingrad was taking too long and costing too many lives .
10 To someone accustomed by the existing advanced accounting courses , with no involvement in the National Certificate , the proposals seemed somewhat revolutionary and the document generated a good deal of discussion over the following few weeks on the relative merits of the B1 and B2 models etc .
11 I remembered , however , that my father had told me of this sort of thing happening in the past , and the sands had always returned over the following few weeks and months .
12 ‘ Use the remaining few weeks to say your goodbyes and to find another job , ’ he had said .
13 They took full advantage of the opportunity to unwind after a torrid few weeks .
14 Two more recent developments have been home blood glucose monitoring and the glycosylated haemoglobin ( HbA 1 ) or fructosamine — indicators of the integrated blood glucose level over the preceding few weeks .
15 The General Health Questionnaire ( GHQ ) is a 30-item psychiatric screening instrument which collects data about symptoms in the previous few weeks .
16 It is common for patients to appear for their first out-patient appointment with one or other of these problems , which has been going on for the previous few weeks .
17 ‘ She 'd have been more than concerned if she 'd known what he 'd been up to over the previous few weeks ! ’ said Harris drily .
18 There is a certain sense of camaraderie where people travel from show to show ; aside from the serious work of showing dogs , it is also a great social event with many new friendships being forged in these few weeks .
19 You thought me dead these few weeks
20 They did n't plan a big order book these few weeks before christmas so that everything could get caught up and we 're all
21 They were but it , well it was an event , a big event in , in the , among the younger people anyway in Brooks in Willenhall then and er it was really lovely , really lovely I forget if we had to pay to go in , but er we had er we saved up for a good few weeks before , so that we would have some money to spend at the Wakes it was one of the an event of the year then , but erm I used to like Willenhall Wakes and er I used to go dancing a lot well I was allowed to go dancing cos I 've always loved singing and dancing you see and er I was allowed but I had to be home before my father got home , but I was n't always .
22 ‘ In fact it 's been a great few weeks for me .
23 You 've had a hectic few weeks , and the pace is not going to let up now .
24 But plenty of the money spent by the parties in those frantic few weeks of the election itself , particularly on newspaper advertisements , will be fresh funds — which has to be good news for the media and agencies .
25 The local overlords , the magnates of the neighbourhood , who had spent a frenzied few weeks petitioning and being petitioned by their would-be superiors , had not been invited and therefore sat at home , drinking behind closed doors and not available to enlighten their countrymen .
26 Ryan had come along just a few weeks after they took the braces off her teeth and the tits started to look like something ; in those few weeks Jo had had more attention from boys than she could handle .
27 The apparent liberalism of Morrissey would seem to be a touch out of vogue here , although a hardening of his attitudes was clear during those few weeks .
28 But in those few weeks of her being pregnant , it immediately became our child .
29 How she missed that time — those few weeks , which now she would have to live on for the rest of her life .
30 ‘ I think I 'll always be grateful for those few weeks when Elise and I were together .
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