Example sentences of "[adj] cause the " in BNC.

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1 That causes the red leather of the ball to run enough to cover over the marks — but it is all cosmetic .
2 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is not the specific element , but the general targeting of young people , which may not be explicit , that causes the most difficulty ?
3 Any factor , other than a change in interest rates , that causes the demand for money to rise will shift the L curve to the right .
4 Mutations in several Pax genes lead to severe developmental abnormalities : ( 1 ) a mutation in the paired box of murine Pax-1 leads to the undulated phenotype which exhibits distortions of the vertebral column ; ( 2 ) a mutation in the Pax-6 gene leads to the semidominant Small eye phenotype in mouse and a mutation in the putative human homologue of this gene may be responsible for the aniridia disorder ; ( 3 ) mutations in the putative human homologue to Pax-3 ( HuP2 ) occasionally lead to hearing loss associated with Waardenburg 's syndrome , whereas in mouse a deletion in Pax-3 causes the splotch phenotype which is associated with spina bifida , exencephaly , a tail flexion defect and deficiencies in neural crest cell derivatives .
5 A potential to terminals 11 , 12 causes the laser to emit , a negative bias on gate electrode 10 reducing the output intensity .
6 This causes the contestant to try and get even closer to the opponent 's face with subsequent jabs , in order to pick up that elusive score .
7 The lowering of pH in fact causes aluminium to be released from clays ( in which it abounds ) , and this causes the fish 's gills to produce mucus , which reduces their ability to absorb oxygen .
8 This causes the skin tissues to harden and age prematurely , so that the fat looks lumpy , and circulation grows sluggish .
9 This causes the nodes to contract regularly , thereby propelling the lymph around the body .
10 Whenever the body falls backwards a reflex in the neck ( the fear reflex ) is triggered : this causes the head to be pulled back onto the spine and the shoulders to be hunched .
11 This causes the VCO to oscillate at a relatively high frequency so that an unpredictable number of plates are fed to the input of IC7 all the time the relay contacts remains closed .
12 This causes the material to become very dense in parts , to rotate rapidly , and finally to collapse into smaller , opaque spheres as large as our solar system .
13 Back in program mode , operating the ME-6 begins by stepping on the bank switch to select a bank ; this causes the value/bank LED to flash .
14 In extreme cases , this causes the dog to collapse , and although not common , rapid veterinary treatment will be required under these circumstances .
15 Newmark ( 1966 ) claims that this causes the learners to fall back on first language rules , i.e. they use the syntax of the first to speak the second .
16 This causes the anterior pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone , which brings about complete growth of the ovarian follicles and causes some of them to rupture ( ovulation ) , releasing their egg-cells from the ovaries to become available for fertilisation within the oviducts .
17 This causes the electron to move closer to the nucleus and changes the frequency .
18 This causes the market makers in shares to widen their bid-ask spreads , to protect themselves in their dealings with better-informed traders .
19 This causes the double stranded DNA in the sample to dissociate into two single strands as the hydrogen bonds , which hold the two strands together under physiological conditions , break down reversibly on heating .
20 This causes the beam to bend and the displacement is measured by means of a strain gauge or a differential transformer .
21 The exchange rate mechanism works as follows : ( a ) a rise in money supply causes interest rates to fall ; ( b ) the rise in money supply plus the fall in interest rates causes an increased supply of domestic currency to come on to the foreign exchange market ; this causes the exchange rate to fall ; ( c ) this will cause increased exports and reduced imports , and hence a multiplied rise in national income .
22 This causes the equilibrium level of income to rise from OY 1 to OY 2 and the equilibrium rate of interest to rise from Oi 1 to Oi 2 .
23 This causes the reader to feel very sorry for him but this pity soon fades as Pip starts to blame Joe for his common ways and he slowly begins to turn into a snob .
24 The mainsheet traveller tore off the deck and began a chain reaction : next to go was the boom vang , and this caused the boom to fracture at the gooseneck , overloading the mast check-stay which parted .
25 Once it has been established that D was committing a criminal offence , the second step is to establish that this caused the death .
26 This caused the atom to be ejected from the crystal surface .
27 It was here that the wife of Prince Windischgrätz was killed by a stray bullet and this caused the prince to react with unnecessary violence against the protesters .
28 He could have resented being called out on such a dark , stormy night , not saddled the King 's horse properly and this caused the accident on Kinghorn Ness .
29 This caused the aircraft to turn downwind rapidly .
30 This caused the bankruptcy of two of the most important local banks where the majority of Madeirans had their money deposited .
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