Example sentences of "[adj] have lead " in BNC.

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1 But such enthusiasm for working on as many projects as possible has lead to serious cautions from doctors for Merton .
2 This research influences the way volunteers work with victims but it is also passed on by Victim Support to other organisations that might find it useful : it provides an input into every police training course in Britain , and that has led to a potential new area of work .
3 But that has led to him becoming involved in an ‘ appalling number ’ of outside bodies , in addition to being chancellor of Aston University and a trustee of the Bournville village .
4 That has led to a suggestion with far-reaching consequences .
5 That has led firms to try to protect business relationships through buying shares .
6 Clearly it is the fate of the ark that has provoked the name Ichabod , and that has led to her death , just as it killed her father-in-law .
7 That has led Wimbledon to put huge price tags on his head and wealthy owner Sam Hammam has even promised to make him president of the Dons .
8 It has been the combined effect of these changes — both on income and capital — that has led to such a growing polarization in living standards between different social groups that a new pattern of class inequalities is becoming apparent .
9 Erm a and that has , that has led us from the group back to the individual tenants , and one
10 That has led me to conclude that higher and further education no longer provide a pathway out of poverty towards educational achievement and self-fulfilment , because students from poor backgrounds may be forced to give up studying and never achieve the educational qualifications that they seek .
11 It is precisely that type of distortion — misleading and alarming people — that has led to the public reaction .
12 That has led to an unbalanced position .
13 Speculation is surrounding the future of Brazil 's Angra-1 nuclear plant , following an unexplained accident in March that has led to the reactor 's indefinite closure .
14 Now that has led to many iterations in the software design and development as the programme has rolled forward because every time you find a mistake , it 's got ta go back along the whole test route .
15 The different police forces share their information and that has led to some proposed gatherings being stopped .
16 He 's had difficulty coping with the trial , he 's been very distressed by it and that has led to him breaking down completely .
17 That has led to mountains of surplus ACT in companies where UK earnings are not high enough to absorb the ACT .
18 For this we have to thank those dedicated collectors whose affection and care for the once ‘ ordinary ’ 78s has led to a great deal of pleasure for all of us today .
19 Certainly the social sciences are seen to be the arbiters of revolutionary change which might somehow dismantle the police institution and its processes , and this has led it to negate the reforming social scientists , keeping them as outsiders beyond the system .
20 This has led to the tying of aid to a large extent to inappropriate or unduly expensive goods from the donor 's country , to sharp annual variations in the volume of aid flows and to a lack of commitment to real coordination with other donors .
21 This has led to situations like that described in A Job Well Done ? by Helene Middleweek and Michael Ward , a report prepared on behalf of the Co-ordination Committee for the Welfare of Evacuees from Uganda , of a family consisting of mother , father and thirteen-year-old son , where neither of the parents spoke any English and the father was almost paralysed .
22 In most cases these families are poor , but they have brought with them the petit-bourgeois values of financially better-off days , and this has led to an apparently unquenchable materialism .
23 The special circumstances of territorial displacement and the withdrawal of adult supervision , which appear to have been more pronounced in Britain than in other parts of western Europe where the family is stronger as a recreational unit , have made the problem worse here than elsewhere ; this has led to the formation of the ‘ ends ’ which in turn has tended to attract a small fascist and psychotic fringe .
24 This has led to cracks in the wall of secrecy surrounding the government 's role in the events leading up to the bank 's collapse in 1982 .
25 This has led vulture-investors to the bonds of other prospective bid victims such as USG , a building-materials group , American Standard , which makes plumbing fixtures , or Burlington Industries , a textiles firm .
26 This has led to embarrassing moments among his pure-white mobile guard force .
27 This has led to the legitimate graphic device of breaking the further line as it passes behind the near line .
28 Inevitably this has led many twentieth century artists to an interest in folk arts and foreign forms which previously might have been classed as primitive .
29 This has led them to postulate the existence of ‘ structures ’ in the animal 's head : in contrast , behaviourists are reluctant to say anything about what is in an animal 's head , other than that the members of a particular species have an innate tendency to be reinforced by some stimuli and not by others .
30 This has led to parliamentary deadlock .
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