Example sentences of "[adj] as soon " in BNC.

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1 I knew there was something wrong as soon as I saw
2 ‘ Their origin will , however , become clear as soon as the number of neutrons produced can be increased by increasing currents and temperatures . ’
3 No doubt all will come clear as soon as my German gets better .
4 In Ireland I was recognized as English as soon as I appeared on anybody 's horizon , and no one in the Midlands asked me how ‘ we ’ were doing at Gaelic football , golf , bicycle racing or hurling .
5 ‘ I told you I was interested as soon as you mentioned Birkleigh and Thorn House , did n't I ? ’ he went on .
6 She felt foolish as soon as the words were out .
7 We 'll set him free as soon as he 's fit . ’
8 He decided , and finally decided , the following as soon as they appeared for decision :
9 There is in many societies a strong economic , political and psychic advantage in having male children , so the proposition of preventing any births , precludes that possibility , and those benefits are perceived to be real as soon as the ( male ) child is born .
10 Peter would put him straight as soon as he got back .
11 They could say it is human as soon as the egg is fertilised .
12 Why then do their minds go blank as soon as they turn over the question paper ?
13 The reasons for our mortality become obvious as soon as we stop thinking of ourselves as individuals .
14 It became obvious as soon as Annunziata handed round the soup tureen that Comfort was deliberately trying to exclude David from the conversation and show him how de trop he was .
15 I 'll be fine as soon as I 've had some breakfast . ’
16 ‘ We 'll be okay as soon as we 're through the passage . ’
17 Pascoe left as soon as he could .
18 Although this might seem in one sense to be an unequivocal expression of deference , it becomes clear that it is purely conventional as soon as one imagines an Englishman acting in this way in the presence of his Queen .
19 " Integration of the territory of the German Democratic Republic [ East Germany ] into the Community " was to " become effective as soon as unification is legally established , subject to the necessary transitional arrangements … [ and ] without revision of the treaties [ establishing the three European Communities — Economic ( EEC ) , Coal and Steel ( ECSC ) and Euratom ] " .
20 Part-time students will pass automatically into Stage II as soon as they meet the requirements , usually at the end of their second year .
21 The school-leaving age — without the exceptions opposed in 1936 by the Local Education Authorities , the National Union of Teachers , Harold Macmillan , Walter Citrine of the TUC , and ( of course ) William Temple — was to be raised to fifteen on 1 April 1947 , and to sixteen as soon as it became practicable ( which , in the event , was not until I had completed my teaching career in secondary schools ) .
22 Once cooled refrigerate as soon as you can .
23 This solution was found to be unsatisfactory as soon as it was stated .
24 It would become redundant as soon as the meaning of certain words was made clear .
25 Hopes are still expressed that old manufacturing industries will re-employ all those previously made redundant as soon as the economic recession is over .
26 Well I mean it 's , it 's well as soon as , it 's , well did you write in and object in within the time ?
27 It was agreed that we should be married as soon as Leslie had completed his parachute training , which was the reason for his being sent home .
28 We can be married as soon as it may be arranged .
29 We can be married as soon as you give the word ; as it is , what is Dinah to do ?
30 It was ridiculous to be upset at all , since she had herself intended to tell Nick she was married as soon as she saw him , or to make sure he saw her left hand on which today she had taken care to wear her wedding ring .
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