Example sentences of "[adj] [be] nothing " in BNC.

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1 Discount supermarkets like this are nothing new .
2 ‘ Flat feet and a tendency to be frugal are nothing very terrible .
3 This is no lightplane : from nose to rudder the 700 is nothing but a small Airbus .
4 ( In the air this is nothing to do with the actual wind .
5 Johnny Mars Blues Band Unrepentant Smiths fans need not beat a path to the door , this is nothing to do with Johnny Marr .
6 This is nothing compared with the spectacular catalogue of gargoyles and grotesques found elsewhere : South American lemurs ; crocodile-toothed , bulging-eyed monsters ; tormented faces emitting vegetation as if it were ectoplasm ; demons gulping down children , baboons , and even snarling severed heads .
7 This is nothing personal , you understand — your voice is not your own , you are the product of a discourse .
8 As you say , this is nothing but fancy dress dancing at the Palais . ’
9 The company is called Télémondial but this is nothing to do with television or ordinary video .
10 I trust that this is nothing more than a proofreading error .
11 This is nothing new .
12 There are no guarantees with this one , but this is nothing less than standard form with equipment whose effect is to open the window just a little bit wider .
13 This is nothing like a synchronized , long-distance , man-and-dog walk and should not be confused with it , but it is a minor walk of sorts and demands some interpretation .
14 I wished I could say : ‘ This is nothing to do with my book .
15 Although there has been some fluctuation in private sector figures , this is nothing compared with the dramatic decline shown in the public sector figures .
16 ‘ Almost certainly — unless , of course , by some remarkable chance this is nothing to do with the Iranians .
17 Yet those who know Diana know this is nothing more than a working business arrangement .
18 This is nothing short of a scandal .
19 As we heard the Volvo backing up to the house , Caroline jumped up and said , ‘ This is nothing to do with you , Jane .
20 Despite the suspicions the adventurers will surely have , this is nothing more than a standard mirror with no magical properties whatsoever — unless you decide to add some , of course .
21 This is nothing but rank stereotyping without any basis in historical fact .
22 But this is nothing but form because the real applicant initiates the proceedings , conducts them in their entirety and bears the costs of the action .
23 This is nothing to do with your husband .
24 This is nothing more than a deaggregation of larger line items .
25 The public importance of these questions can not be doubted , but this is nothing to do with Miss T. as a private individual .
26 He thinks he 's cool ; he talks about Korea , and how , compared to that , this is nothing .
27 This is nothing to concern you . ’
28 This is nothing to do with you , Luke .
29 This is nothing more or less than an abuse of your professional integrity . ’
30 This is nothing of the sort .
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