Example sentences of "[verb] forgotten how " in BNC.

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1 She said : ‘ He has forgotten how to hunt .
2 He 'd been driving for days , he 'd forgotten how many , and he was tired of the white lines painted down the middle of the highway , he was tired to the centre of his bones .
3 She was cheerful , too ; I 'd forgotten how happy she could be .
4 I 'd forgotten how funny it is ; from now on I shall be using it in casual conversation more often .
5 He 'd forgotten how women aged in Ireland .
6 ‘ I 'd forgotten how loud and exhausting she could be , ’ remarked my mother later as I peeled the potatoes .
7 She 'd forgotten how she liked its smell : leather , cigarettes , petrol .
8 He 'd forgotten how much he knew the ways of horsemen of old .
9 ‘ But I 'd forgotten how tired I was .
10 Had she really been so innocent that she 'd forgotten how passionately he could kiss ?
11 I 'd forgotten how good it is — ’ She stopped , grimacing .
12 It 's ages since we played this game , I 'd forgotten how clever at it he can be particularly when you 're not !
13 Boy called Daniel could n't write Daniel cos all last year he 'd been allowed to put Danny an he 'd forgotten how to write Daniel !
14 And another boys name was Thomas and he could n't write that cos all last year he 'd been Tom an he 'd forgotten how to write his surname they 're not dim children both of them
15 You know , Wilson , you know , you can not have forgotten how it is .
16 Everyone involved has to realize that the tasks are not relearned in an automatic sequence : the fact that the patient may be able to put on his sweater one day does not necessarily mean that he is immediately able to progress to putting on his trousers — indeed , he may have forgotten how to cope with the sweater the following day .
17 And people going on seaside holidays would have forgotten how stations had once been larger than life , almost ; places of meeting and parting , from which dusty , crowded trains had borne servicemen and women to who knew where .
18 ‘ When we 've rescued those distressed mariners and brought them aboard , you , Jimmy , will have forgotten how to speak Greek . ’
19 ‘ But I will not have forgotten how to listen in Greek ? ’
20 Only the shortest of memories will have forgotten how declining Western industries successfully sought tariff and quota protection to counter the greater efficiency of Far Eastern competitors .
21 Through the middle-of-the-night streets , seem to have forgotten how to drive , is this the gear lever ?
22 One reason why John 's air-taxi service was less than successful was his habit of pretending not to know how to fly the plane or , worse , pretending to have forgotten how to land it once he had succeeded in becoming airborne .
23 If Dorothy gave a party , and it was only a small party , it was an effort , and she appeared to be tired of it all , to have forgotten how , in the sixties and early seventies , parties just happened .
24 Even Ratagan seemed to have forgotten how to smile , and the sternness of the Myrcans deepened .
25 It seems you 've forgotten how to handle a boat , Neil , all those years in Dismal Swamp With canoes and muggers and billabongs , whatever they may be .
26 If you think I 've forgotten how to rough a man up , I can assure you I have n't .
27 You 've forgotten how to be a man , Richard .
28 I 've forgotten how to laugh .
29 It looks to me as if we 've forgotten how to retreat .
30 Why you 're doing this Christmas , it may be my last , John said what do you mean , I said well , I do n't know if I 'm going to be in a classroom this time next year , I mean , I really enjoy Christmas with the children , fifteen years since I 've done it , I 've forgotten how I enjoyed myself .
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