Example sentences of "[verb] merely that " in BNC.

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1 INA reported merely that " a number of adolescents " had been arrested for having " caused panic in several primary schools " .
2 But such people forgot that for most Americans television is an inherently incredible medium , and to the extent that in the King case it might be believable , demonstrated merely that Los Angeles police officers were subduing a human who , out of sight of the video camera , might have been threatening these officers with fists , machine pistol or portable Scud missile .
3 The paradox does not present itself in quite so acute a form if a weaker version of the contextual approach is adopted , which holds merely that the meaning of a lexical unit reveals itself through its contextual relations , without commitment as to what meaning ‘ really is ’ .
4 ‘ I say merely that I know nothing of your late wife .
5 So I was quite pleased , at the end of my United Airlines flight to Chicago , to discover merely that one of my two bags was missing .
6 On April 2 a statement issued on behalf of the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , noted merely that he was " gravely concerned about reports of heavy fighting and bloodshed in both northern and southern Iraq " .
7 It seemed merely that Conchis was sleepless , or sad , and playing to himself .
8 However , the inequalities in higher education have rarely been the subject of close and critical attention ; far from arguing that higher education serves to reproduce inequalities , commentators ( e.g. Wolpe 1977 ) have argued merely that higher education functions to train middle-class students to take up positions of status and responsibility in society , such as civil servants , managers , teachers and doctors .
9 A statement issued after the meeting , reported to be " the most acrimonious in recent times " , gave few indications of the rift between the USA and its Western trading partners , especially Germany , noting merely that " the persistence of high real interest rates and the slowing of economic activity " posed a risk to the global economy .
10 I believe , therefore , that it is not implausible to infer from these findings that a substantial fraction of Labour voters reckoned merely that the party would be able to form a more competent and moderate government , and would be better able to defuse the crisis , although one should not discount the continued existence of a ‘ class reflex ’ vote owing little to any elaborate political calculation .
11 A hundred years earlier such an expedient might well have been used to impress envoys from some European state ; but by the later eighteenth century it showed merely that the Indians were exotic visitors from outside the European diplomatic system who might be influenced by such essentially childish devices .
12 Shrug and pout in Arthur pouted and Celia shrugged refer to a gesture used as a conventional signal ; Arthur pouted his lips and Celia shrugged her shoulders , however , are non-committal about whether a signal was intended , and indicate merely that a certain movement was performed .
13 Simple reaction time refers to a response , such as a key press , indicating merely that the stimulus has been detected , whereas discriminative reaction time refers to a response where some kind of discrimination is called for between two stimuli presented either simultaneously or successively .
14 He was not saying merely that you believed it , but that you could know it as certainty !
15 I would understand it if the Minister were saying merely that he is reorganising the same amount of resources , but he has cut resources .
16 I will have more to say about family life in the next chapter , here I note merely that in the last twenty years we have seen the large-scale establishment of the single-parent family , the so-called serial-monogamy syndrome ( divorced people keep getting remarried ) and an endless chain of step-children and step/half brothers and sisters .
17 One can ask : does he mean that the horizontal moon , perhaps owing to some magnifying effect of the earth 's atmosphere , actually presents a larger appearance than the meridian moon , or does he mean merely that it looks bigger , perhaps because it is seen in a context of trees and houses ?
18 This does not mean merely that correctness of translation is undetermined by all the possible data .
19 It means merely that where the trustee was in possession of the property under trust , he could be ordered to make it over .
20 The heading in the manuscript appears to tally with a stage direction in the word-book , ‘ A Chinese Man and Woman dance ’ , printed between the final verse and chorus ‘ They shall be as happy as they 're fair ’ But this direction means merely that the Chinese Man and Woman are to dance to the music of the verse , just as the next printed stage direction , ‘ All the Dancers join in it ’ , which follows the words of the final chorus , means that all of them should dance to its music .
21 To say merely that ‘ things are different now ’ is hardly any consolation for the pain and bitterness of past experience and bears little assurance of a future political and military stability in Europe .
22 It is sufficient , in order to dispose of these appeals , to say merely that all the points which have been put to us by Mr. Ashworth and Mr. Harvey McGregor , for the health authorities , were put to Phillips J. by Mr. Harvey McGregor in De Martell .
23 I intended to say merely that we had done as he had instructed us in his letter , hoping that he would thereby confirm the letter as a matter of course .
24 Some said merely that the money was not available to fit out such an expedition a second time , even if the spirit had been willing ; and that was certainly true .
25 The Parliament Act provides merely that the life of Parliament will end by effluxion of time , five years to the day after its first meeting , only if it has not previously been dissolved by the monarch and , these days , it invariably is .
26 It argues merely that whilst Parliament could pass such laws , it would be unlikely or unpurposeful for it to do so .
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