Example sentences of "[pn reflx] made " in BNC.

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1 Patrick himself made a statement to my sister which I 've got on tape , saying he 'd been discarded by the woman he married .
2 He and Sir David accordingly set upon this final crucial lap of their preparations and to witness the unswerving determination with which they persevered in the face of repeated frustrations was a humbling experience ; countless letters and telegrams were dispatched and his lordship himself made three separate trips to Paris within the space of two months .
3 The later success of The Wedding Present was no surprise because Gedge 's belief in himself made it inevitable , rather than just a possibility .
4 Gandhi admits that satyāgrahis are capable of making erroneous decisions and that he himself made a Himalayan miscalculation in instituting mass satyāgraha in Ahmedabad without teaching the people involved in the movement the strict conditions and necessary limitations of satyāgraha .
5 He himself made a kingly Duncan , radiating benevolence and gracious ease .
6 In the event , Ramsay himself made the most useful contributions to the debate , with the young Steward and Moray backing him , the Regent out of his depth and almost pathetically grateful for any guidance he could get .
7 Blote himself made use of the BKR scheme for twenty-five years ; during the last phase of the scheme 's existence he sold works to the value of DFl.150,000 to the government , most of which he kept at home .
8 Elie Wiesel , who acts as America 's tireless conscience on the subject of the slaughtered Jews , himself made the parallel at the memorial 's dedication .
9 He himself made an extended visit to the West at the outset of his reign and on his return he created consternation — and a legend — by his impatience to change the face of Russia .
10 He himself made history when , in 1984 , he donated over 1,200 pictures and objects to a foundation he established in Warsaw the first such institution since the war .
11 Then Kubelík took ill and Nelson himself made his Met début on a day 's notice conducting the score .
12 Sir Kenelm Digby , whose book of recipes collected from his contemporaries and friends has provided posterity with a graphic record of Stuart cookery , notes that he himself made a fine syllabub with syrup left over from the home-drying of plums ; being " very quick of the fruit and very weak of sugar " this syrup " makes the Syllabub exceeding well tasted " says Sir Kenelm .
13 Despite the fact that Dement performed experiments after this one in which his subjects showed none of the psychiatric symptoms with REM sleep deprivation , and that he himself made clear how his early observations were probably misleading about the effects of REM sleep deprivation , the idea that dreaming preserved sanity had been strongly reinforced .
14 But whether it is worthwhile — or even possible — to return to the older project , to which Hall himself made so many pioneering contributions , is a different matter .
15 Nizan himself made no attempt to conceal its manifestly autobiographical status : " Antoine Bloye is the story of a man whom I knew very well : my father . "
16 Although Cuvier himself made no use of the theological implications of this approach , it was taken up with enthusiasm by British exponents of the argument from design .
17 Until now the commanders had all reported upward to the Shah , who himself made all decisions .
18 It was , though Wu Shih himself made no such claim , the greatest garden in Chung Kuo — the Garden of Supreme Excellence — formed of a dozen separate gardens , each modelled on a famous original .
19 Though let's admit that personal security has recently become distressingly tenuous all over the world , and the most innocent and uninvolved of people can still find himself made a pawn in all manner of dangerous games .
20 The thought made her shudder , but the fact that he had n't referred to the ghastly possibility himself made her wonder if Isabelle had kept her pregnancy a secret from the de Rochefort clan .
21 But Richard of York himself made no attempt to co-ordinate his movements with Cade 's , and the demands for his inclusion among the King 's advisers probably do no more than reflect dislike of the existing court faction .
22 While the three major parties closed ranks to form a tripartite government and the assembly drafted a new constitution along the lines that de Gaulle had feared , he himself made no public appearances .
23 The language of the letter itself made her shiver — the ‘ we hereby , being the parents of one Oreste Romagnoli ’ , seemed so important and the ending , though it only gave the date of the document and names of the witnesses , truly portentous .
24 This process in itself made me feel better , her calm reassurance so different from the doctor at the clinic , with his formal , polite and economical manner .
25 One was a big man with a bullet head and a short neck , with shoulders almost as broad as Ben 's ; but he had height with it , being all of six foot tall , which in itself made him different from most other men , for it was only here and there you would see his like .
26 Europe itself made up the greater part of what Europeans regarded as the known world .
27 Probably everything in the personality of the showmen and in the nature of business activity itself made it likely that the motion-picture industry would go in search of better audiences but this development was encouraged by a strange mixture of attitudes towards that original working-class audience that had helped create the industry .
28 This proposal aroused very considerable opposition from many of the institutions concerned and NAB itself made a reasoned case for some amendment , which appears to have made some impact .
29 Mrs Thatcher herself made appearances at Church and Methodist assemblies to rebuke bishops and nonconformist leaders for their hostile approach towards material gain , their over-involvement with issues such as poverty and urban decay , and their over-zealous support for black African nationalists in South Africa .
30 Tremayne , sensing it also , fussed over her even more than usual and Fiona herself made visible efforts to act normally and as she said ‘ be sensible ’ .
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