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1 Whether it 's fish in Southern India or tripe in Northern England , the need to place ourselves is the same .
2 We begin to realize more deeply that knowing God and knowing ourselves is a single process .
3 One way to remind ourselves is to reflect that , even today , not all the phenotypic effects of a gene are bound up in the individual body in which it sits .
4 Caring about others less fortunate than ourselves is important and the Christian Aid Committee is most grateful to all who give their time , talents , and money which gives this Festival of Flowers and Music such significance .
5 What we have done to ourselves is to destroy the adventure of life by rooting ourselves to one spot in the physical sense , and demoralising ourselves by forcing the mind to spend its time on nuts and bolts and the rest of our shoddy interests , when it is thirsting for the trackless regions of the nomads .
6 What we discover within this secret part of ourselves is an inner being , a soul , an inner mind , and inner life , an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in its potentialities , more plastic , more powerful , more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind , life or body ; especially , it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces , movements , objects of the cosmos , a direct feeling and opening to them , a direct action of them and even a widening of itself beyond the limit of the personal mind , the personal life , the body , so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of out too narrow mental , vital , physical existence .
7 ‘ That all that we know of ourselves is an unimportant encrustation over the true seed of the eternal idea which lives inside us , using us as a vehicle merely , which develops in spite of us .
8 Part of the chapter on motivation deals with obesity , and the discussion of theories of why we stuff ourselves is capped by a cartoon in which a chef tells a fat blimp ‘ As far as I know there 's no such thing as a diet cream puff . ’
9 But as researchers are beginning to realise , the way to learn the most about ourselves is probably to combine the two approaches .
10 The only measure that we can take to help ourselves is to become more aware of how we go about simple , mundane actions .
11 If our message to ourselves is ‘ You 'll never do it ’ , you may be sure we shall live up to this suggestion .
12 Suzanne Garment writes in her recent book Scandal : ‘ The great American scandal machine that we have built for ourselves is up and running with ferocious momentum . ’
13 ‘ Our British reputation for ribbing ourselves is in danger of degenerating into an uncharacteristic meanness of spirit . ’
14 And this is the model , the pattern , which must be seen to run through theology : it is in this fashion that the relation between God and ourselves is to be seen .
15 Doubts as to even the possible reality of such a law , arising from an excessively empiricist conception of the possibilities of being , prove unreasonable in the light of the establishable fact that both the every day world in which we live , and we ourselves , are only appearances of a realm of things in themselves whose true nature is hidden from us. for this opens the possibility that what we are in ourselves is essentially rational beings , belonging to a society of rational beings , while what we are as appearances is sensory beings .
16 For example the most usual constraint we impose on ourselves is to believe that it is incumbent on us to carry out all the steps of a manufacturing process ourselves .
17 In the last instance , so far as the creation of this terrible situation in which we find ourselves is concerned , Milosevic is only an executive .
18 The fundamental question , as posed by Foucault , is how is it that in our society sex is seen not just as a means of biological reproduction nor a source of harmless pleasure , but , on the contrary , has come to be seen as the central part of our being , the privileged site in which the truth of ourselves is to be found ?
19 Calling the problem ‘ The Problem of Other Minds ’ of course enshrines the foundationalist approach ; our knowledge of ourselves is secure , while that of outsiders is problematic .
20 Evidence of pride in ourselves is also provided by the legacy we leave behind .
21 First of all ask ourselves is this a genuine problem ?
22 ourselves is there ?
23 She paused , before adding accusingly , ‘ Besides , we have to find them first , and I 'm not sure sitting here indulging ourselves is a very effective way of doing that — particularly as my time in Denmark is limited ! ’
24 You see the only way we can get equity out and put money in ourselves is by selling this place .
25 I think how we organise ourselves is up to the president and the committee .
26 If praying to God to humble ourselves is dangerous , praying the father to send labourers into the harvest field is equally dangerous .
27 I mean obviously this is nothing new , obviously there 's been this sort of thing for some time in the past , but I think what we 've got to ask ourselves is ‘ what sort of a society are we now reaping ? ’
28 ‘ The world in which we find ourselves is one where great hopes and appalling fears are equally justified by the possibilities .
29 His kin are entrepreneurs , a wandering bourgeoisie : they have known what it is to be strangers in tight corners , as he himself is a stranger in this tight African town .
30 ‘ Yes , madam , ’ he said at last , ‘ I am granting that his conducting of himself is not what might be expected .
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