Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can take yer bonnet off and sit yerself down .
2 erm from yesterday er I think meself personally I 'm very methodical sort of person and I felt what was most important the revelations meself was thought patterns and the use of most structured structured in a presentation and also the importance I could n't believe how that using them made such a difference actually to yourself when you 're standing there and the audience participation erm thought patterns well I 've always used that was just a revelation I mean I 've never
3 ‘ Ant enjoyed meself so much fer years , ’ he chirped , a wide grin cracking his brown leathery features .
4 ‘ All right , I 'll chuck meself in , ’ she said .
5 But er , I never heard of them if they did and er , I mean I , I used to involve meself not in politics or anything like that is the last thing I ever thought of involving meself in but er , I did er , sort er , well being on the milk round you used to see the people in , because they come to door to bring a jug you see and you , you talk to people and you know they were , er were sensible and they were , were should I say soft or had no er conversation at all like , you know .
6 In Chapter 1 we bothered ourselves mostly with philosophical aspects .
7 We hauled ourselves upward , legs and lungs straining , wondering why we were doing it .
8 One copy should be returned to ourselves duly signed . ]
9 We may project the values we use ourselves on to other people — imagining that they are as critical as we are .
10 When the old man was finished we trooped aboard and settled ourselves on to the wet seats .
11 But for the moment let's concentrate on getting the boat moored , and ourselves on to dry land . ’
12 We need to challenge ourselves , to move ourselves on , but we need to give ourselves a safe framework in which to do so .
13 Ian Bond , the liquidator , said yesterday : ‘ Without the order , we were concerned that some litigants would have won summary judgment in their favour without us being able to defend ourselves properly .
14 Turned left when we felt like it , found ourselves somewhere near Compiègne .
15 We are invited to locate ourselves somewhere in between .
16 We are supposed to ‘ think things through ’ before acting , and to ‘ control ’ ourselves rather than be impulsive .
17 It might be easier if we all presented a resume of ourselves rather than waited for the questions !
18 to enable us to cope we have find space for ourselves , do something , purely for ourselves rather than always be thinking about our children , thinking about the home thinking about the family , we 're as important and I think that 's what people must realize to begin with .
19 It is easy to prove ourselves right !
20 We must apply ourselves right to the end of games . ’
21 ‘ I suppose we should consider ourselves jolly lucky , ’ Peacock said .
22 And because we 'd found self-esteem , we had the courage to go and sell ourselves successfully to employers .
23 Now , Pat and I found ourselves nervously waiting to be let in .
24 We settle ourselves down in a First Class cabin , lay our delicacies out on the table , open some wine and champagne , set the crayfish on to plates that do n't look paper , and eat , drink and devour vast quantities of pâté , hors d'oeuvre and champagne .
25 Gradually we re-evaluated ourselves as women and looked at the way we had always put ourselves down .
26 The survivalist culture of the ghetto insists that , instead of leading ever fuller lives , we should strip ourselves down for action and retaliation : it 's a culture fascinated by war games , fitness , one-upmanship .
27 This does not mean we have to put ourselves down all the time : this would just be false humility , which is another subtle form of pride .
28 On the other hand , putting ourselves down — feeling ‘ less than ’ — is just another way of expressing the Ego .
29 While the adults sat on their forms we sat ourselves down on an assortment of broken chairs borrowed from the neighbours .
30 We race across Lliwedd on frost rimed ledges and hurl ourselves down towards Llydaw 's outlet , slipping on frozen streamlets , crashing down scree , pausing to drink the silence .
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