Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 At first , the Zuwaitina canteen milk seemed to everyone concerned an instance of just such a letter-of-the-law possession , The realization that it was an issue of constitutional principle came slowly , when the Jordanian 's lawyer ( Abdulsalam Abdulhadi ) outlined his defence .
2 Some loved him , others hated him , but everyone respected what little they ever found out about this strange ‘ refusenik ’ who was part of no group or establishment , yet managed to affect so many people 's lives .
3 Everyone respected him .
4 ‘ Well , everyone envied her .
5 Nothing became more important than whether the President had added his approval to this ‘ very strange ’ piece of paper , as Poindexter called it : a memorandum Poindexter said he had never seen before , and which Thompson found him reading the next morning over breakfast .
6 Although nothing became of this beyond an agreement that there were widely different views on the matter , that same year the Government of Australia proposed that the so called cull grenade should be banned .
7 I find it arrogant to compare New York and Cologne ; it 's true nothing became so inflated here , but also things were not so colourful , so deep .
8 Everyone argued about the jury .
9 ‘ La Loge ’ had been up very recently , and with nothing sold lately at anything like $12 million , it is hard to say what it is now worth .
10 nothing recommended to Goodey in that particular cause is of any good .
11 ‘ I 've got nothing planned .
12 So no-one got it right , pollsters , reporters or bookmakers .
13 Off he went with Mort , beaming happily , so delighted to be flying again , and yes — you 've guessed it — Flt Lt Mort 's plane was shot down in flames and no-one got out .
14 Tours were organised by Dr Marchbank and conducted by the Librarian , Miss Wright and Ms McGrath , with the help of Miss Cowan and Mrs Booth to round up stragglers and ensure no-one got lost .
15 Everyone beamed at her .
16 Later still , living in Canada , travelling in the United States and working with Americans , I came to understand that not everyone lived history in the same way ; that for many Americans , history was only a bunch of dead stories .
17 Here everyone lived en famille ; there were swimming parties , excursions by boat , and in the evening charades or drawing-room dances .
18 The houses on the road did n't have numbers ; they all had names , and the postman knew where everyone lived .
19 No-one wanted to know , unless they could get rewrites where everyone lived happily ever after and stars of The Cosby Show had the lead roles .
20 She was all for a bit of ducking and diving , that 's how everyone lived in her estimation , but from what she had gleaned recently about her sons , it was a completely different lifestyle they were after .
21 Everyone lived together ; there was no privacy .
22 This meant that everyone lived near to one another , and they copied each other exactly .
23 He told her that he was going to continue writing to her , nothing deterred by her cold reply or rather lack of a reply .
24 Nothing deterred them .
25 George was a Sheffield man , and proud of it , accent and all , although everyone agreed that if George was dressed in a loincloth and turban he would make a very impressive hillman of the Khyber Pass , with his dark hair and very tanned skin .
26 Everyone agreed it was a fine picture , a breezy blend of wit and taste .
27 ‘ What about motor cars ? ’ — but such pseudo-theological objections to Koranic purity were , everyone agreed , below the general level of discussion .
28 Everyone agreed that ‘ socialist' ’ should be removed but the debate exacerbated nationalist tensions between Czechs and Slovaks .
29 He liked numbers ; they were funny little squiggles and he liked the way everyone agreed when an answer was right although he did not understand why .
30 Apparently , not everyone agreed , or perhaps did not get what they considered to be their fair share , for eventually the Backless baron was transported to Australia , no doubt to become another ‘ Wild Colonial Boy ’ .
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