Example sentences of "[adj -er] one " in BNC.

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1 It is so exciting to see a really quite overweight lady transform into a slimmer , more vivacious and prettier one .
2 I crawl like a rat to that methadone clinic , re-enlist for Kathleen McGuire , the prettier one , the easy one .
3 My example also incorporates another method of concealment , a rather cruder one .
4 Then it must have changed its mind , and started to grow in two directions , a narrower tube into the ‘ mouthpiece ’ and a broader one into the ‘ horn ’ , and there is some evidence that the ‘ horn ’ end continued to get wider and longer .
5 Stalin 's argument was part of a broader one that he derived from Lenin : the right of national self-determination was valid only where countries were passing from feudalism to capitalism .
6 The question of rumour and unsubstantiated allegation is a much broader one .
7 It was a much broader one this time , a smile of pure pleasure .
8 But since this use implies the broader one , which is all we need in this book , we shall not pursue it .
9 The list which follows compares the much more detailed analysis of Woodward 's researchers with the broader one that has been applied above .
10 Oh we will unless we 've gone down the wrong hill We 'll have to practice the window cleaner one if you 're going to read it to the rest of the class , have to practice the face and read it with expression so they do n't all fall asleep oh hello , hi .
11 She also meet him m met him at lunchtime , because the steam coach used to come out from town , and bring the business men , the wealthier one , out .
12 Even at the height of NEP prosperity in 1926 , considerable resistance to central patterns and instructions was to linger on the further one got away from Moscow down through all the provincial levels , but in 1922 strong fears of such resistance provoked a siege psychology among those party officials located nearest to the grass roots .
13 We will introduce a credit-based system , enabling students to achieve a diploma after the equivalent of two years , with the option of a further one or two years ' study leading to a degree .
14 The further one can extend the grazing season in spring and autumn , without damage to soil or sward , the better .
15 This suggests that to the criteria for trust wording a further one should be added : that the words be not only ‘ mediate ’ ( in the sense that they do not attribute property directly to the beneficiary ) but that they should also unequivocally attest the testator 's intention that a trustee should be under a legal obligation to a beneficiary .
16 The effects of educational courses and programmes become harder to evaluate the further one moves from the initial point of instruction .
17 The effects of educational courses and programmes become more difficult to evaluate the further one moves from the initial point of instruction .
18 The traumatic experiences the men had already been through — the drama of the inrush of slurry , the knowledge that they were entombed , the foul air they had lived in for two days , and the threat of the gathering gas — meant that the half-mile walk wearing apparatus , and a further one and a half miles to the surface , would be a severe test of their remaining stamina and resolve .
19 So far as we can tell , the men-folk ruled in every sphere ; but it may be that the further one got from the world of high feudalism the less of a slave the woman became ; it is certainly true , in a rather different way , that the Norman Conquest brought both a more complete feudalism and a fall in the status of women .
20 My own experience suggests that , the further one moves away from television studios and other hot-houses , where the thrill of constitutional debate has ousted boring subjects like poverty and unemployment , the less enthused the populace becomes .
21 As Gallie puts it , summarising Mallet , ‘ Integration , in the sense of identification with the enterprise and its overall performance , becomes then a necessary corollary of the desire to further one 's own interests ’ ( Gallie 1978 , 18 ) .
22 Chancellor Norman Lamont hopes a further one or two point cut in interest rates will boost confidence and in turn the economy this week .
23 The problem is that , the further one goes into it , the more involved the science and mathematics become , with new rules and caveats having to be brought in to explain away apparent discrepancies .
24 One in five of the ‘ 303 Times Top 1000 companies ’ interviewed believed that it costs less than £4000 per person , one in three estimated costs in the range of £4000 to £6000 and a further one in three thought it costs over £6000 per employee .
25 Now , from these disanalogies arose a further one .
26 Such sub-tippees , are virtually impossible to convict , especially the further one moves from source .
27 But the larger and more complex the system , the further one can get by studying its workings .
28 The whole Legion surrounded itself with mystery in multiple layers , and the further one penetrated it the more complex the mystery became .
29 If to carry the comparison further one consults the ranking order of precious stones current in mid-Victorian times set out in Kluge 's handbook of 1860 , one still finds some degree of continuity but notable changes in ranking order .
30 Nevertheless , semi and unskilled operatives constitute one in eight of all self-employed temporaries and that persons with low grade personal service occupations constitute a further one in ten .
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