Example sentences of "[ex0] has " in BNC.

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1 While numbers of new AIDS cases reported officially each month have remained relatively steady , there has been a big increase in those needing expert medical and nursing advice at home with a 24-hour on call back up .
2 There has been a marked increase in reports of deaths as a result of torture in Turkish police stations .
3 However , it remains concerned that there has been no stay on sentences or executions pending the review of existing legislation .
4 In other political states during the twentieth century , there has been strong support for the view that art should serve a social purpose .
5 In the last three decades there has been considerable success for auctioneering , both in terms of money and also in prestige .
6 But he does all this at the cost of suspending a due sense of the tendency there has also been for poets to see further than their noses , and to speak out , and to go to the wall for it .
7 Thus , while it is possible to identify liberal catholicism in Ireland from the late nineteenth century to the present , and though there has grown up a climate of liberal dissent and criticism of conservative catholicism , it is still possible to assert the prominence of conservative catholicism , particularly in its alliance with nationalism .
8 Apart from the fact that there has been significant support for the alliance party over the last dozen years or so among the catholic middle classes , there is also a further factor .
9 There has , therefore , been little chance in the past for a political growth of class consciousness among subordinate groups .
10 What socialism there has been among the catholic — nationalist tradition has always tended to be allied to republicanism , especially in the period 1913 to 1930 ( Rumpf and Hepburn 1977 : 13 ) .
11 There has also been a significant decline in the cult of the saints , and many of the practices which characterized the devotional revolution of the mid-nineteenth century .
12 There has been a degree of attenuation of this rigidity in some respects , but only in favour of the church 's interpretation .
13 there must be , there has to be a separation between Church and State and we totally endorse and emphatically reiterate that , but the separation between Church and State does not mean a separation between conscience and the electorate 's responsibility in voting .
14 Throughout Ireland as a whole , there has generally been an anti-comprehensive ethos in the education system supportive of both class and sectarian divisions in schooling and which is now eroding only in part .
15 It is important to note that , since the system began in the late 1920s , there has never been a significant move to split up the schools for use by the separate denominations , something which would have been feasible in the larger towns .
16 In the debates over the last twenty years there has been considerable interplay of theological and sociological reasoning , with social scientists also contributing to papers and discussions .
17 But there has been some attempt also to undercut the basic level of the defenders ' case .
18 There has to be a time , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , laying down the pen , began to type again , there has to be a time when excuses are no longer necessary , will never again be necessary , there has to be such a time in everybody 's life , when too soon and too late no longer mean anything , a time , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , when one starts because one starts and for no other reason .
19 There has to be a time , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , laying down the pen , began to type again , there has to be a time when excuses are no longer necessary , will never again be necessary , there has to be such a time in everybody 's life , when too soon and too late no longer mean anything , a time , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , when one starts because one starts and for no other reason .
20 There has to be a time , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , laying down the pen , began to type again , there has to be a time when excuses are no longer necessary , will never again be necessary , there has to be such a time in everybody 's life , when too soon and too late no longer mean anything , a time , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , when one starts because one starts and for no other reason .
21 That is why there has to be the big glass and the notes in the box , not the glass alone or the notes alone , but the box , with all my preliminary notes and measurements , all my plans and blueprints , and then the glass , with the end product of all those notes visible on its surface .
22 Happily , there has n't been any problem with the pernicious perennial weeds I find elsewhere in the garden , such as the deep-rooting bindweed and ground elder .
23 The result has been both attractive and functional , and there has certainly been no shortage of bees on the beans .
24 During the last few years there has been an increase in swinging and ground looping accidents and these must be analysed to see if there are new lessons to be learned .
25 In the UK there has been much discussion about teaching stall recoveries with a view to making it all easier for the beginner to understand and remember .
26 As long ago now as 1974 , Michael Maguire argued a need for a semantic ethnography of police systems and the criminals they pursue ; and there has been a subsequent trickle of attempts to carry out participant observation inside the world of ‘ cops and robbers ’ .
27 Since this condemnation of research opportunity , few studies have penetrated deeply beneath the sensitive skin of ‘ police culture ’ , and even though Chatterton in his notes to my thesis argued there has been a considerable amount of ‘ participant police research ’ , I would question whether many of these inquiries achieved the finer grain and detail' of the insider 's account , for they can never really know or tell if they have been excluded from the inner workings of police practice or prevented from gaining access to the hidden realities ‘ contained inside the heads of the constables ’ .
28 there has been hardly any research on the police compared with the large output of critical scholarship on industry , commerce , the civil service , the health service and education … what little direct research there has been on the police has scarcely begun to ask such fundamental questions as what is the police force and what is it doing .
29 there has been hardly any research on the police compared with the large output of critical scholarship on industry , commerce , the civil service , the health service and education … what little direct research there has been on the police has scarcely begun to ask such fundamental questions as what is the police force and what is it doing .
30 In consequence , even when the insider retires and ostensibly leaves the family , he will be expected to maintain his silence , and although bland hagiographic biography has been acceptable in the past , there has been no place for the espionage of critical ethnography .
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