Example sentences of "[ex0] seem " in BNC.

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1 There seemed to be the fairly uncomplicated desire among the community to see all the children attend the same school , as an expression of relationships existing within the community .
2 There seemed to be people about , but I was n't sure .
3 There seemed to be no real point in arguing with her .
4 I was indeed rather dubious about the whole idea , but we had n't been getting very far and there seemed to be no harm in just finding out some more about it .
5 The cuts in the hand were superficial and there seemed to be nothing else wrong .
6 There seemed no hope now , nothing to go for except a curiously marked pocket which fitted two finger tips .
7 Otherwise , there seemed little to commend it .
8 There seemed to be an element of ‘ never again' in the choice of a man whose whole personality and way of working are in dramatic contrast to the distant , dictatorial von Karajan , who died on 16 July .
9 There seemed to be plenty to eat , the French are masters at rustling up something to eat at very short notice .
10 There seemed to be a shortage of shell dressings .
11 There seemed grounds for believing that the Thatcher government was , at least for a time , losing direction .
12 Indeed , as the indices stubbornly refused to improve , there seemed little prospect that interest rates would not remain at this historically high level for a long period to come .
13 Still , at Evanston , he allowed the personal meeting to count — with Hungarian Christians oppressed in a satellite state , with a black South African who merely by being there seemed to make the Afrikaaner defence of apartheid incompatible with Christianity .
14 Sometimes they fought and sometimes they fucked and there seemed little difference between the two .
15 There seemed hardly time for anyone to wander off , but wander she had , and she had come to swinging happily on a swing in the park playground .
16 He longed to do some real work that would give him some satisfaction at the end of a day , yet there seemed to be nothing for him to do .
17 Once again there seemed to be no one around the Prince and Princess with the foresight to see that the situation was becoming seriously out of control .
18 All the more pity , therefore , that , in his sweeping dismissals of British cinema where there seemed nothing to praise beyond Humphrey Jennings ' poetic documentaries , he refused any engagement with the darker elements in the native cinematic culture .
19 There seemed to be so little mutual interest , so little to build on .
20 There seemed to be no incompatibility between building a welfare state at home and discharging the responsibilities of a great power abroad .
21 And to all Britain 's European allies there seemed to be something incongruous about her ending conscription just as they were trying to expand their conscript forces under American pressure , in order to make the forward defence of Western Europe , which they all desired , a practicable strategy .
22 American political pressure for agreement on the formation of the force was so intense that there seemed little chance of it being rejected by NATO on military or financial grounds .
23 Allott supported him for a while , and at 278 for 7 , with Lamb on 98 , there seemed a chance that the follow-on might be saved .
24 I wanted a restaurant , one simple wholesome restaurant , but there seemed to be none .
25 Most depressingly of all , there seemed no hope , even among the young people .
26 Everybody else there seemed to have Alzheimer 's .
27 Whatever the point of the conversation was , it held them both tense , their eyes staring until there seemed almost to be an invisible bond .
28 There seemed to be a block in her chest so that she could not breathe properly .
29 We stopped for her to regain her breath , then , ‘ I ask because there seemed a sort of affinity between us .
30 There seemed to be no place for the concept of a human soul sustained by a divine being , which exists in other religions , independently of the Christian accretion of the Man-God and suffering Saviour .
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