Example sentences of "[been] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tell the King that Mohamed Srifi 's only crime seems to have been the expression of his peaceful political views .
2 Predictably , the main sufferers since fighting flared once more in June 1990 have been the civilian populations — Tamil , Sinhalese and Moslem .
3 Tazmamert has been the great forbidden subject in Morocco .
4 ‘ Whether the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or the Stanze of Raphael should be regarded as the culminating effort of modern art , has long been the subject of controversy ’ ; but they both received double asterisks .
5 From a letter to Francesco Gonzaga , written in 1622 and published by A. Luzio , in which among others a self-portrait of Tintoretto is offered to him , Pittalunga argues that the Paris picture may have been the one mentioned and which formed part of Rubens 's estate .
6 It is said to have been the biggest women 's gathering since suffrage days , a little more than half a century before …
7 A critic walking for the first time into a gallery may describe a colour in a picture as blue ; it will have been the scrupulous task of a conservator to have established that the particular colour in question was Prussian blue , and thus can not date before the eighteenth century .
8 Paolo Uccello would have been the most delightful and imaginative genius since Giotto that had adorned the art of painting , if he had devoted as much pains to figures and animals as he did to questions of perspective , for , although these are ingenious and good in their way , yet an immoderate devotion to them causes an infinite waste of time , fatigues nature , clogs the mind with difficulties , and frequently renders it sterile where it had previously been fertile and facile .
9 Can this ever have been the trouble with Larkin ?
10 It 's been the cradle and help of many actors , directors and playwrights .
11 I have seen before and after your boasted strokes of policy ; and you were the same man , and would have been the same man to me and to yourself if you had never done them .
12 And the fact that you already have a good instinct for acting will probably have been the main reason why you passed your entrance audition for drama school .
13 It would seem that the special state character of Northern Ireland , with its very legitimacy always under threat , has been the main reason for the maintenance of this pattern of politics .
14 The dual division of ecclesiastical power has also been important because the religious orders have often been the vehicle for innovative theologies differing from the Roman line .
15 In fact , in rural areas today , the Orange hall has frequently been the only place where protestants of all shades have met to renew their belief and commitment to Ulster protestant loyalism ( Harris 1972 : 162–5 ) .
16 Though opinion in the South gradually softened , there can be little doubt that the obverse would have been the case had the British government not changed tack and demurred at an openly repressive strategy .
17 What has been attempted in this chapter has been the clarification that so far the traditional values of catholic nationalism are still dominant among the Roman catholics of Ireland , even if they are severely contested by a significant minority from among them and lukewarmly subscribed to by a further significant minority .
18 What might have been the nature of the inner religious conflict ?
19 A further change has been the growth of liberal theology within the Irish Roman catholic intelligentsia .
20 A notable achievement of ACT has been the passing of the Education ( Northern Ireland ) Act of 1978 , permitting the establishment of multi-denominational schools where such is desired by adequate numbers of parents .
21 Though ambition has been the grave of many minor artists , it is also that without which no artist can be called major — with all the provisos about art , artists , major , minor , already touched on .
22 The procreative metaphor , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) , has been the bane of art .
23 My feet have never been the same since , he said .
24 This has been the experience of the Thirties Society in fighting for the retention of the main plan features of the Nag 's Head , one of the few listed pubs of the period .
25 Her husband had always been the centre of attention wherever he went — large , handsome , charming : a vote-getter by trade and inclination .
26 Phipps 's latest conquest — he rarely went long without excitement — had been the childless and bored Mrs Venables , whose cake was the last he 'd tasted , and whose husband was the local chemist .
27 Henry Phipps had been the chief celebrant at this particular form of ‘ get-together ’ , and now someone had brought his priapic revels to a rather spectacular end .
28 In previous years the competition cakes had been auctioned off to benefit the Belltower Restoration Fund — and that had been the intention this year , too — but there would be no bidders , now .
29 ‘ Well , if it was intended as a distraction , then that must have been the moment when he poisoned his wife .
30 The Festival 's come of age of late and I am more than happy that my sax playing has been the soundtrack for the Festival 's cinema trailer in recent years .
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