Example sentences of "[am/are] on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll warn Mrs Pettifer they 're on their way , ’ said the sergeant , ‘ Then you 'd better keep an eye on the old lady and I 'll watch the froggie geezer .
2 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
3 Add together a susceptibility to flashy packaging and a lack of any real interest in the substance of other people 's problems and you 're on the way to producing a ‘ designer carer , .
4 It gets a bit crowded when Camilla 's boyfriend is here , but they 're on holiday at the moment . ’
5 Just what happens when you 're on holiday !
6 And if you 're on income support , you 'll be entitled to 7 pints of milk a week and free vitamins .
7 So , if you 're on the lookout for a nice little earner , dust off the cobwebs and take your painting along to the professionals .
8 ‘ They 're on my land . ’
9 Like , you can tell people who are , like , geniuses , you can almost tell to look at them , they 're on another planet .
10 They 're on a worldwide scale rather than a national scale , but you have to recognise that there are only so many hours in the day in which you can be efficient .
11 ‘ We 're on TV , ’ she says , pointing into the window .
12 I 've spent more than 15 years singing and touring and I still enjoy it but it 's important to keep your body in good condition when you 're on the road .
13 But is it so easy when you 're on someone else 's patch ?
14 For me , there 's just something more powerful in Man 's ultimate punishments — whether they 're on a humanist level or a more mystical level — than in his ultimate rewards .
15 That awful thing that so many groups get themselves involved in , when they 're on a plane and they do a gig and they do n't even know what city they 're in , he 'd manage to avoid .
16 I 've got to change , then we 're on our way .
17 ‘ QUIT while you 're on top ’ seems to be the philosophy of Mr Jon Shirley , president of Microsoft , the leading supplier of software for personal computers .
18 ‘ Well , you ca n't pick anything up on your radio unless you 're on the right wavelength , can you ? ’
19 ‘ Only you 're on the wrong bus , ’ he continued , ‘ you want the 800 Dalesbus — you 'll have to pick it up at Ilkley . ’
20 ‘ Sometimes it 's really tough when you 're on the street with only a quid and you 're both starving .
21 You 're on your own now .
22 It 's not necessarily done with bad intentions , but unless there 's much greater flow in and out , then I fear we 're on a downward path .
23 Remember you 're on trial
24 You 'll recall that music when you 're on the shelf
25 And what kind of relationship can you have , if you dare n't even tell your boyfriend you 're on a period ?
26 You 're on your own now — we 've gone home ! ’
27 When you 're on it make sure you believe what you 're saying !
28 Charsky tried to call for help , but his voice was frail ; then , to his amazement , he heard a strong voice from somewhere to his left shout : ‘ We 're on our way down !
29 ‘ As soon as you get out there , you 're on your own .
30 I sha n't draw breath or stop fidgeting until we 're on that train to Glenfarg …
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