Example sentences of "[am/are] [being] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are you sure you 're being realistic ? ’ she would say , and the conversation would then cease .
2 The diet they 're being fed does n't contain enough energy or calories .
3 People who think they 're being persecuted always think people are paying them a great deal of attention so they come to believe that they must in a sense be very important people , ’ he said .
4 The idea of a regular Mr Plod seeing Leather And Bones walking down the road in his T-shirt and saying , here my lad , you 're being seditious , come with me .
5 You 've every right to feel hard done by , so do n't start thinking that you 're being selfish .
6 ‘ We 're being filmed .
7 I spect they 're being taken someplace for stuff to be put in them .
8 ‘ We 're being invaded , so we 're taking hostages , ’ said one , who appeared to be their leader .
9 I 've often felt desperate too , but I 've never been able to talk about it because people think you 're being superior : holier than human .
10 ‘ I have to know what you 're being asked for .
11 ‘ I think we 're being rather unfair .
12 ‘ They 're being trained in Scotland as Raiding Forces .
13 ‘ Ay carumba ! ’ and , most tellingly of all , given that The Simpsons are Sky-TV 's biggest asset here , ‘ Kids in TV-land , you 're being duped ’
14 You become a mug when you 're getting beaten up and not getting paid for it , when you 're being exploited , when you 're getting hurt .
15 ‘ I think you 're being very naïve . ’
16 ‘ Now you 're being stupid . ’
17 ‘ I was just trying to show you you 're being silly .
18 ‘ We 're being evacuated , starting tomorrow , ’ she declared .
19 You 're not being asked to go , you 're being told ’
20 I want the world to know how things stand , and that we 're being truthful and open and not ashamed or in any way put down .
21 ‘ You 're being too clever .
22 Dear Sue : I do n't think you 're being frank .
23 While I understand your difficulties , Sue , it seems to me that you 're being defeatist .
24 Dear Richard : I do n't think you 're being frank .
25 ‘ You 're being contrary , are n't you ?
26 You 're being quite wonderful ! ’
27 This motif was used on the air every day and we rang all possible changes on the ‘ we 're being done in by the big bogey-man ’ theme , so much so that we had some of our faithful old lady listeners actually in tears .
28 ‘ Come on , you 're being locked up . ’
29 Oh , come on ( I hear someone opining ) , you 're being far , far too precious , elitist , and boring .
30 We could explain to viewers that cars are now built by robots , and use computer graphics so that people will understand how they 're being totally dehumanised … ’
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