Example sentences of "[Wh det] not " in BNC.

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1 Motability has arranged special schemes with motor manufacturers , wheelchair manufacturers , insurance brokers , and other so that today a variety of schemes can be offered which not only help disabled people become mobile but also give them a chance to be truly independent .
2 He can buy a large tube of Autumnola , the 2-in-1 action cream which not only reduces the risk of bruising to a minimum , but has anti-toxic qualities proof against the most virulent poisoning from autumnal pests . ’
3 There were plenty of pumpkins at about the British record weight of 444lbs , or about a third the weight of a hatchback car , into which not one of them could have fitted .
4 This is a welcome and encouraging trend which not only ensures that the investment of Branch funds complies with the Trustee Investment Acts , but provides Branches with an excellent return on their money and assists management of the Association 's cash flow .
5 The faculty could not think that a young man of 35 years , who had written one book which not everyone thought wonderful , could hold a candle to his predecessor .
6 The facility with which not only politicians but people who should know better argue for education in the name of economic growth is frightening .
7 Defenders of the scale of British commitments , then and more recently , have thus been able to ignore the extent to which not only consumption but also production and productive efficiency were inhibited by the dollar shortage — both directly , by restricting currency available for imported capital equipment , and indirectly , by diverting domestic output of such equipment into dollar markets .
8 We had trips in those days that took as long as three months which not many people would undertake now .
9 Saga publishes a booklet , Saving and Spending on Longer Holidays Abroad , which not only details the savings householders of any age can expect to make while they take an extended holiday , but also gives advice to pensioners on how to ensure they get their pension while they winter abroad .
10 And for £9.95 you can purchase a Baby Pack — colour co-ordinated in pink or blue to the sex of the recipient — which not only includes a set of brilliant uncirculated 1989 coins but space to record baby 's important details .
11 And for £9.95 you can purchase a Baby Pack — colour co-ordinated in pink or blue to the sex of the recipient — which not only includes a set of brilliant uncirculated 1989 coins but space to record baby 's important details .
12 And for £9.95 you can purchase a Baby Pack — colour co-ordinated in pink or blue to the sex of the recipient — which not only includes a set of brilliant uncirculated 1989 coins but space to record baby 's important details .
13 Though Berkeley 's interest in the problem connects with his immaterialism , he is continuing a discussion to which not only the Aristotelians , but also Hobbes , Gassendi , and Locke , made contributions .
14 Though Berkeley 's interest in the problem connects with his immaterialism , he is continuing a discussion to which not only the Aristotelians , but also Hobbes , Gassendi , and Locke , made contributions .
15 Since the birth of their sons , Felix ( now aged four ) and Max ( one ) , the Roberts were lucky enough to take over the raised ground floor which not only gave them more space but also allowed them vital access to the garden .
16 Rather , it is the case that people with a fairly strong religious tradition may react to crises by turning back to the traditional patterns of belief which not only made sense of their individual predicaments but which also created a strong sense of communal solidarity .
17 It is a system which not merely connived at nepotism , it depended upon it .
18 In the right circumstances , horses can also learn affection for a person — which not only makes training a horse so much easier , but makes riding and working the horse such a pleasure .
19 For Scotland , like all other European countries , was now severely affected by the Reformation movement , which not only injected religious confusion and conflict into the church , but profoundly disturbed long-established political traditions , especially in foreign relations .
20 In both , the characters drift somnambulistically through life , unconsciously impelled by emotions of which not only they , but also the author , can give little or no account .
21 During the next three years , nearly 10,000 million dollars were made available to Europe in ‘ Marshall Aid ’ , which not only enabled Europe to recover and increase goods and services by twenty-five per cent over that three years , but also ensured a market for American-made goods .
22 And they would abolish the Audit Commission , which not only maintains the probity of local government accounting , but also pioneered the drive for better quality of service and value for money in local government .
23 Other governments have viewed the spontaneous housing settlements as wretched areas , which not only house society 's drop-outs , but are also breeding grounds for crime and radical political activity The Brazilian government has tried to eradicate the squatter settlements for these reasons , which is especially the case in Rio de Janeiro , because of the added factor that it is an international tourist centre and the favelas are so visible on the steep hillsides behind the luxury hotels and beaches .
24 One version of the story has Massaccio losing all of his clothes as well , which not only adds a new possibility to the origin of the saying ‘ to lose your shirt ’ , but also a certain piquancy to the vision of the gambler outside the church .
25 Such lighting as did exist consisted of feeble oil lamps suspended above the pavement , which not only gave poor light but frequently went out , making the streets both difficult to negotiate and dangerous to be abroad in .
26 This required the break-up of the multinational empires of East and Central Europe which not only controlled their own peoples but intervened throughout Europe to protect the ancien régime .
27 W.H. Smith owed no small part of his fortune to the stalls he had placed on every station platform , many of which not only offered a full range of books and papers but operated lending libraries .
28 For this is a matter on which not just doctors or lawyers , but all of us , must have our say and our way .
29 Protests are uncommon here since it is in each sailor 's own interest to avoid high speed collisions which not only ruin your chances but can be quite dangerous .
30 Railway and port facilities will be needed and higher levels of mine mechanization if coal production is to achieve levels which not only supply 70% of energy demand but afford an opportunity for exports .
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