Example sentences of "[was/were] going " in BNC.

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1 On the following page we read that ‘ things were going badly ’ for Neto .
2 He felt as though he were going under dentist 's gas …
3 At last people were going to see the real Dorothy , the real live woman behind that starchy old madam who 'd sat in the corner for all those years , hiding from the world in general .
4 In times past , I had tried to get across to the continent as much as possible , but now , while other people were going abroad for the first time because of all the cheap travel around , I was ( without intending to be anti-social ) doing exactly the opposite and taking a look around the British Isles .
5 The Walshes had been caught in a strange yet powerful trap and it was difficult to see how they were going to be able to break free .
6 She had evidently decided that things were going to be all right .
7 This was partly because of events that were going on around me : Kathleen building towards her retirement and , as was to become highly significant , Katrina deciding that she wanted to make a move as well .
8 They did n't know where they were going to start .
9 Some little groups were going off to west and east , but most hung on with a sense that the next thing now demanded to be done .
10 It — it — ’ It was no good , they were going from him .
11 No one had mentioned how fast the trains were going : nor the precise time of impact , not down to the minute .
12 When he stopped his work for tea , the prying landlady being out at the shops , he would try to arrange to meet her , either in the house or at the British Museum if she were going near the West End that day .
13 He was to see the beginnings of the great urban slums of New York and Chicago , and he must have had some sense of this if they were going to speak to American working people , but still , there was the mythology , the possibility of millions of dollars waiting to be made .
14 Generally , when you played Jimmy Connors you understood you were going to stay out on the court for four or five hours , at least . ’
15 Slowly the tension eased as we realised that we were going to make it ; we exchanged jokes , we moved with greater confidence .
16 We had our minds made up that we were going to win this thing .
17 Mr Honecker evidently felt that things were going so well he could afford to relax and give his people what they wanted most : more freedom to travel to the West .
18 We were going to use a four-second snatch of The Hokey-Cokey , and were quoted £3,000 .
19 I felt what was happening was we were going not in the direction of addition , but of total change .
20 Only amid the mud and chaos of the West German embassy in Prague did they try to explain where they were going .
21 Mr Rampton asked Lord Aldington why he had ordered on 17 May 1945 that the Yugoslavs not be told where they were going , and whether they had been falsely told they were going to Italy .
22 Mr Rampton asked Lord Aldington why he had ordered on 17 May 1945 that the Yugoslavs not be told where they were going , and whether they had been falsely told they were going to Italy .
23 Lord Aldington insisted they had not been lied to , but they would not have got into the trucks if they had known they were going to Yugoslavia .
24 The receiver has gone in at only the parent company , and Sharp yesterday made it clear that seven of its 15 operating subsidiaries were going concerns .
25 Mr Oatley pointed out that because small producers were going out of business , up to 10 per cent of eggs consumed in Britain were being imported .
26 He was accused in a pamphlet , written by the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and circulated by Nigel Watts , a property developer , of deceiving the Yugoslavs by letting them believe they were going to Italy .
27 He had been ordered not to tell the Yugoslavs where they were going .
28 Would they stop a great painter painting just because his eyes were going and his brushwork was n't as good ?
29 He thought the transition period had always been too long , because authority deserts a dying king , and neither China nor the Hong Kong people were going to take much notice of us by the time it got to the Nineties .
30 Shifty-eyes had probably made up his mind that we were going to shoot him !
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