Example sentences of "[is] no " in BNC.

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1 The following is the UK mirror site of ftp.luth.se — probably THE FTP site in the world … anyway , you can log into this UK one anonymously … which basically means there s no account/password needed as such .
2 There s NO WAY they could do that , unless they are pressed for them .
3 There s no cutting edge at the moment .
4 What Im saying is with the midfield and full backs we have there s no need to be under much pressure .
5 He has actually come out this season and said that there s no place in the side for Strachan and Rocastle .
6 He s no good with the back pass and/or crosses .
7 There s no reason whatsoever we should n't be thinking in terms of the championship anyway .
8 What Im saying is that there s no harm keeping these players … maybe loan some of them to lower clubs to get more experience etc .
9 Speed will have his central role he prefers so there s no excuse now .
10 ‘ There s no substitute for skill ’ — wise words mate .
11 With him and ‘ spit ’ there s no contest .
12 Nobody will ever tell me Strachan should nt be 1st name on the team sheet when he s playing as he is. there s no point arguing the toss because you obviously feel different .
13 there is no vaccine or cure currently available .
14 There is no limit to the number of ways to raise money .
15 There is no cure .
16 As there is no Embassy of Taiwan in the UK , please do not copy any appeals to another embassy , as proposed on the letter writing page .
17 Although both were linked to the PKI , there is no evidence that either of them had knowledge of the events leading to the coup .
18 There is no outside view of any sort and the only time they leave the cell is for weekend visits from relatives , bi-daily showers or for 45 minutes ' daily exercise .
19 It is a separate tragedy altogether that , in a country where there is no nation health service , anything up to three million dollars can be spent killing someone .
20 ‘ There is no prison here .
21 They are unshaven , there is no barber .
22 As there is no provision in the UK immigration rules for issuing visas to asylum seekers overseas , in an embassy or High Commission , there is a contradiction in the requirement of visas for asylum seekers to enter the country .
23 But if the books are arranged by subject , there is no certainty that The Renaissance will be put under ‘ art criticism ’ .
24 There is no shortage of writing about Pollock ; like other star artists , he has an embarrassingly large number of apologists , but fortunately there are select bibliographies which can guide her to key publications .
25 Even though critics may not be as learned as their art-historical colleagues , there is no good reason for their practised eyes to cloud over when looking at art of other periods .
26 There is no need to be intimidated by the formality of a staid institution 's catalogue , or to neglect popular magazines ; as for writing in various academic disciplines , there ought to be no barrier to learning about an interesting topic .
27 These same qualities are needed by lecturers , so it is no surprise that some excellent critical writings , such as many of John Ruskin 's books , were first read out from a lectern .
28 To the question , therefore , which ought to hold the first rank , Raphael or Michelangelo , it must be answered , that if it is to be given to him who possessed a greater combination of the higher qualities of the art than any other man , there is no doubt but Raphael is the first .
29 Art histories often make an attempt to keep to chronology , although the difficulties include the crucial fact that in art there is no clear sequence of events .
30 There is no shortage of guide books in the modern world , nor of travel books which regale readers with accounts of what travellers have seen .
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