Example sentences of "[is] on " in BNC.

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1 From the mountains it 's on to stunning waterfalls as you follow the Afon Hellte to Ystradfellte .
2 From here it 's on to Plynlimon with its high point of Pen Pumlumon Fawr at just under 2500ft .
3 The daily conference over , it 's on to the main activity of the day for me , which is a Long Northwind Patrol .
4 Having finished a job , they do n't sit around enjoying the results — it 's on to the next .
5 And when one house is improved to the limit , it 's on to the next there too .
6 ‘ He 's on about the gypsies . ’
7 What 's on
8 There are hints of a deeper and more subtly disturbing film , when Hawn 's character pauses to wonder if any woman really knows her husband — but , all too abruptly , it 's on with the show .
9 Finally , it 's on to Klagenfurt , capital of Carinthia , near the shores of the beautiful Worthersee .
10 Kettle 's on . ’
11 Photography 's comprehensive guide to what 's on in the galleries .
12 ‘ It 's OK — the safety 's on .
13 A Guide to What 's On and Where
15 To find out about Alexander Technique classes or workshops , ask your local-education authority for details , search your local ‘ what 's on ’ in the newspaper or look at the noticeboard in your library .
16 ‘ I just do n't think it 's on , quite frankly , at this particular point in time . ’
17 For further information about Northampton , places to visit , what 's on , maps , guide books , etc. call in to the :
18 Further information about Northampton including places to visit , what 's on and where to stay is available from : Tourist Information , Visitor Centre , Mr Grant 's House , 10 St Giles Square , Northampton , NN1 1DA .
19 Deadly while it 's on .
20 Each square on the chessboard has its own ‘ code ’ consisting of a letter and number — to move a piece , first enter the reference for the square it 's on , so to move the white king 's pawn forward two squares you 'd enter E2E4 .
21 A zero fret sits in front of the large nut , then it 's on to the real love-it-or-loathe-it Höfner feature : the headstock .
22 ‘ When I play , some days it 's off , some days it 's on , and I take it for what it is .
23 If it 's on , then I go ‘ Cool .
24 He 's on to the ball before anyone else , but he conserves the energy of his horses . ’
25 I 'll take wanni these and wanni those and wanni they whey the wee silver baw 's on . ’
26 ‘ It 's on in three weeks ’ time . ’
27 This he continued to do — between jaw-jutting in that peculiar Mussolini-meets-Foghorn Leghorn manner of his — until the brass-necked wonder that is still ‘ It 's On ’ .
28 29 April : The Sun seems to think it 's on to something .
29 Like a coolie in the wrong continent , he 's on to his first wage of the day .
30 No disguising it — Fergie 's on — again
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