Example sentences of "[vb infin] with " in BNC.

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1 No human relationship can recommence with such an attitude ; there has to be the admission of failure .
2 Here again I was able to prove myself useful and to gain a little kudos : I could compose with what seemed to others an astonishing facility an ode or sonnet on behalf of some lovesick junior and addressed to some beefy , lacrosse-playing heroine in whom I myself had no emotional interest whatsoever .
3 Racism was not wiped out when Lyon was minister , on the contrary some of the worst cases of human suffering at the hands of Immigration Officers occurred in his regime , but he did occasionally act with some humanity .
4 ‘ It is important , ’ Lord Justice Neill said , ‘ that the courts should act with restraint before interfering with the decisions of sporting bodies , however wide-ranging their powers may be . ’
5 Should she act with sympathy ?
6 He said that men should act with dignity even in the face of death , that no one was better off than any other .
7 ‘ … we must act with moderation in order to avoid increasing the powers of the medicines to an undue extent by such trituration .
8 in order that the singers may learn their parts more thoroughly and thus , knowing the music perfectly , may act with greater confidence and not spoil the opera .
9 Manchester 's Assistant Chief Constable Jim Paterson , said : ‘ It is typical of the terrorists who are operating in this country that they should act with a complete and utter disregard for the civilian community .
10 Mattie Barkess said : ‘ He did act with considerable sympathy towards his victim . ’
11 I used to try and act in straight plays but I was so bad they made me act with my back to the audience .
12 But in a stressed state , and especially if one is playing helpless , one can not see clearly what the opportunities and risks actually are , and one therefore can not act with discernment and intelligence .
13 They used the language of murder about the slave trade and Fox proclaimed himself an enthusiast for ‘ that zeal and warmth which arose from a sense of justice and was that kind which made men act with energy in a noble cause ’ .
14 Elite theorists argue more generally than pluralists that where elites can not act with a considerable degree of autonomy in deeply divided societies , centrifugal tendencies are much more likely than centripetal ones ( Nordlinger , 1972 ) .
15 Those who seek to lead must act with subtlety and caution or they will meet with strong negative reactions .
16 The development of women 's studies courses in higher and further education , despite a context of severe cutbacks , is an important example of how highly motivated teachers can act with some considerable independence ( Thompson , 1983 ) .
17 North Korea and the Soviet Union could only have drawn encouragement in the belief that America would most likely not act with vigour if North Korea moved against the south to reunify the peninsula .
18 Yet when he wished , John could act with adamant disregard for the king 's will or interests ; six bishops were provided despite the king 's fierce objections , while some of the king 's favourite candidates were ignored .
19 It will not happen because the House can not reform itself ; it can only act with the permission of the executive .
20 ‘ Humans can act with my puppets , ’ said Uncle Philip .
21 She can act with my puppets up on my stage .
22 At the moment I can no longer act with common sense and deliberation , because there is only one course open , and that is determined by obsession .
23 But can he act with his body ?
24 Although normal subaerial erosion may act with greater power on some parts of the earth 's surface than on others , an obvious example being found in the contrast between rates of denudation in river valleys and on plateau surfaces , the general result of such erosion is an overall reduction of the surface .
25 But sometimes , protesters may act with the intention of causing unlawful conduct on the part of the police , with a view to making complaints at a later stage .
26 State agencies do act with a considerable degree of autonomy , and take limited account of their interaction with other branches of the government .
27 Should not the Government act with similar urgency to remedy that situation ?
28 He added : " If he does not want violence why do the police act with such impunity ? "
29 I ca n't act with all this going on .
30 With both laughter and irritation Phoebe had returned to consciousness ironically amused at how nature could behave with such excessive romanticism .
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