Example sentences of "[vb infin] that " in BNC.

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1 Any teacher who tries to devise a syllabus for a music class that will appeal to the members of the class for its relevance , or who attempts to attract the English class by giving them things to read or act that will speak to them in their own language is in danger of falling into the trap of ‘ thinking down ’ to his pupils , of condescending to them .
2 According to the court , it was not enough that the defendant deliberately did some act that had the effect , objectively assessed , of obstructing the police .
3 Though he 'd never really believed that any woman would behave that coldly and that violently in response to an attack .
4 To take the British example , I would hazard that the ratio of real balances to total private sector net worth is less than 1% ( see Dow and Saville ( 1988 ) for a breakdown of the constituent parts of private sector wealth ) .
5 Roth has left off with his mythologising fury — and his memoir lets us know that the benefits that come to the writer who tries , or even seems , to stick to the facts may amount to something more than those of hindsight .
6 But Roth must know that it is likely to be no joke to those who are reading his book .
7 Remember , though , that badgering agents is quite useless ; if they want to come they will come , but telephoning them and overselling yourself can be just as useless as not letting them know that you 're alive and working .
8 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , just a brief note to let you know that work on the MSS you left with me is proceeding apace ( at long last ! ) and will soon be ready for publication .
9 ‘ Ah well , in that case , I 'd better let you know that I 've asked Paul Spence to do some of the revision classes for your part of the course . ’
10 And if you do decide to plan a family , you will know that the baby will be wanted and loved .
11 The practice might not know that a need exists and may be able to help .
12 Furthermore , he will know that his contemporaries are not really too keen on its revelation : indeed they may well argue that the police have research facilities of their own which are geared up to the internal needs and interests of the institution ( Benyon 1988 : 21 ) .
13 Inevitably those few insiders who do undertake postgraduate research in the social sciences are aware that they are involved in the creation of ‘ clap trap ’ , and must know that this denigration stems from the implicit threat they pose to the structures of pedagogy and institutional power .
14 ‘ And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel , At even , then ye shall know that the Lord hath brought you out from the land of Egypt : And in the morning , then ye shall see the glory of the Lord ; for that he heareth your murmurings against the Lord : and what are we , that ye murmur against us ?
15 And you must know that , because we are all here .
16 As Cameron opened with his usual explanation of the Act , he did not know that the Reverend William McIvor , a tall whiskery man with coarse orange hair and very pale blue eyes , had stayed outside his manse , in the cover of a thick yew tree , and was listening hard with a hand cupped round his ear .
17 We will meet at Fortingall tomorrow , and let us make it the biggest meeting of all — the Glen Lyon folk will join us there , and once Breadalbane joins with Atholl , then they will know that the whole people is on thy move .
18 Well how do I know that this computer does not have a theory of the external world ?
19 Without realizing it he had let me know that using French words , however few and halting , has a bewitching effect upon everything in London , animate and inanimate alike .
20 They would n't know that his trip had been sponsored by the Socialist Labor Party of North America and his time , if he stuck to his commitments , was to be all booked up .
21 Little did he know that , for the saddest of reasons , he was going to be thrust into the national , even international spotlight .
22 Did you know that upgrades to the EW + WW office software mean that in future it will be possible to print three-dimensional graphics and stereoscopic photographs ?
23 I say new civilization , I do n't know that I care about its being so very different from the best that has been , but it must be as good as the best that has been .
24 And Eliot lets us know that he had to argue with Pound , who wanted in some items that Eliot excluded , and wanted out some items on which Eliot insisted .
25 These pipes stretching thinly in a bridge across the service road injected a mix of chemicals into the walls of the furnace itself ; did I know that fuel was only used in the start-up process , after which the chemicals themselves provided the fire ?
26 He did not know that in his last months he had developed a fatal heart condition .
27 TRANSPORT ‘ Did you know that lorry drivers who pick up hitch-hikers have 73 per cent fewer accidents than those who do n't ? ’
28 If none of these works , you can always try throttling your interlocutor , crying as you do so : ‘ Did you know that 63 per cent of all smart-ass know-alls meet a violent and hideous end ? ’
29 ‘ But in May 1945 I did not know that they would be killed and I did not know until Count Tolstoy drew it to my attention in 1979 , 1980 and 1985 .
30 When Boris began sleeping with her , villagers who wondered what would happen if the husband found out were told by wiser villagers : ‘ If you 'd lived in a big town you 'd know that the husband knows . ’
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