Example sentences of "[vb infin] out " in BNC.

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1 That 's where we 're gon na win out here because we do bring a bigger show than other bands that come over .
2 The therapist can not win out against death , but he or she can win out for life , for a sense of the real , for the kind of growth that truly matters ; dealing as it does with the evaluation of ways to love and hate , with the meanings of human conduct , an appreciation of human nature , and the succession of the generations .
3 The therapist can not win out against death , but he or she can win out for life , for a sense of the real , for the kind of growth that truly matters ; dealing as it does with the evaluation of ways to love and hate , with the meanings of human conduct , an appreciation of human nature , and the succession of the generations .
4 It remains to be seen whether the archaeologists will win out over the urban planners .
5 Subsequently , who ever can produce the cheapest , fastest part with the most capabilities to mimic other architectures will win out , and ‘ once one does it , the others will be forced to follow . ’
6 ‘ We 're confident that the sheer quality of our children 's books will win out in the medium term , ’ he said .
7 But , as Jessop shows , by insisting on the plurality of forces around the state and also arguing that the ruling class must always win out in any politics which flow from this conflict .
8 Malcolmson ( 1984 : 126 ) argues that ‘ an essential feature of the world Williamson is interested in [ … ] is not one in which one can simply assume that economic efficiency will win out in the end ’ .
9 If , on the other hand , the ambiguous segments were and , followed by kiss would probably win out over such competitors as kick , kitsch , etc and give , Gish , etc .
10 ‘ I feel a ferry of our calibre will win out . ’
11 Many of the East Germans assumed West Germany had again dug into its pocket to ‘ buy out ’ East Germans seeking to come to the West .
12 MEGGITT 'S £110m bid for United Scientific Holdings could cost a further £25m , if the Singapore Securities Industry Council rules that Meggitt must buy out the 35 per cent minority in AVS , USH 's Singapore subsidiary .
13 If Richemont should buy out the Philip Morris stake it would trigger an obligation to bid for the rest of the shares .
14 Software house Softwright Systems is fiercely optimistic : in April , staff helped buy out a 54 per cent stake .
15 And now what they 're saying is , well we 'll buy out those appeals , if you had your appeal running for a few years we 'll give you five hundred pound ex gratia payment .
16 She remembered saying that she might very well buy out the others and live in the property herself .
17 Mr Redwood said : ‘ I will not listen if all the Opposition can do is bellow out megaphone caricature .
18 you know I used to sort of bellow out
19 But she could reel out pages of verbal textbook at the mention of any subject .
20 He will reel out the numbers — 621 million Ecus ( £477 million ) committed to projects in eastern Europe , with outside investors adding a further 1.5 billion Ecus .
21 mum , mum wanted one of these new , new sockets to put th erm th one that you can sort of clip out clip in
22 Did you just fall out of love , or what ? ’
23 A drawing pin through the pocket ensures the holder does not fall out ; comfort , security and peace at last .
24 A standard cellulose filler would very quickly crack and fall out again due to normal movement .
25 ‘ Something like the D-5 could fall out ( of the budget ) , ’ Mr Murtha said .
26 If , as frequently happened , two of us would fall out and come to blows , then passers-by would stop , form a circle and watch without intervening , confirming their view that justice would be achieved this way .
27 I hope all the bits do n't fall out of the box .
28 All them double scotches have made your hair fall out .
29 ‘ We had a disagreement about it , we did n't actually fall out , ’ she backtracks .
30 You 'd better fall out before you say something you 'll regret . ’
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