Example sentences of "[vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 We saw evidence of what would later promise to be a riot of butterflies with entire bushes covered by baby caterpillars and chrysalises .
2 " I did promise to be ready for nine thirty but those blasted animals just wo n't cooperate . "
3 Erm , first of all I did promise to you that I 'd give you some idea of the sort of material would be on next week 's erm multiple guess questions , okay ?
4 Unions could also seek to ‘ adopt ’ the action by organising a strike ballot .
5 He will instead seek to be a kingmaker .
6 Teachers should not seek to be involved in every aspect of the school — administrative/clerical , catering and many aspects of the pastoral function should be contracted out to specialist providers .
7 For it is better that thy children should seek to thee , than that thou shouldest stand to their courtesy . ’
8 At no time , either , did Zacco either seek to be alone with him , or utter a word of reproach about his failure with Famagusta .
9 Removing crime from cannabis by making the user ( c. 5,000,000 regular in UK ) a client of a legitimate outlet that does not seek to ‘ push ’ anything else .
10 The counsellor should seek to be as warm , supportive and caring as possible .
11 We must therefore look for some accommodation between states , and this in two important respects : we must seek to further binding agreements between states which limit and reduce the possession as well as the use of nuclear weapons and we must work to control the lesser hostilities whose escalation will always be one of the chief threats of total destruction .
12 Its preparing a white paper like UI 's ‘ Desktop Unix and NT : A Functional Comparison ’ that will presumably seek to bloody its potential rival .
13 The location of certain family members , in particular women and children , in the private domain in which ‘ the King 's writ does not seek to run , and to which its officers do not seek to be admitted ’ ensures their silence .
14 They may seek to :
15 In those circumstances the Crown Prosecution Service do not seek to be heard in this particular case .
16 In those circumstances the Crown Prosecution Service do not seek to be heard in this particular case .
17 The essay should seek to be an objective discussion ; references to " I " do not lead to that impression .
18 Because of this narrowness of interest they could not ( and did not seek to ) form a government but exerted pressure on the government of the day in order , indirectly , to shape the particular direction of a facet of public policy to their own advantage .
19 that in setting and applying our standards , our staff will seek to be open , helpful and polite in explaining our position
20 Would the House seek to be the authority for such automatic timetabling ?
21 Barry announced that he would not resign " at this point " but would seek to " heal my body , mind and soul " .
22 The President also announced that he would form a transitional government of " national union " as early as January 1991 , which would seek to " strengthen state machinery " and " devote itself to restoring the ethics of the civil service . "
23 The policy states that the company will seek to :
24 Generally , the taxpayer will seek to be not domiciled in the United Kingdom .
25 The drafter will therefore seek to ( 1 ) to minimise his/her client 's obligations and liabilities and ( 2 ) ensure , so far as possible , that the other party to the contract will perform their obligations .
26 Chairman having read again the relevant paragraphs P P G twelve to which er the senior inspector referred , I I think it 's entirely consistent with that that the county should seek to erm include a policy now in the plan which in effect seeks to clarify the basic intentions of the structure plan in in regard to the attitude to development in in open countryside .
27 So do n't jump to conclusions .
28 ‘ I knew you 'd jump to conclusions , ’ Kitty said .
29 First , because identification with one 's community is morally worthwhile , and acceptance of the authority of the state an appropriate way ( though not the only way ) to express it , one may jump to the conclusion that one has an obligation to accept the authority of the state , or even that it has authority independently of such acceptance .
30 Walkers can at least jump to the side .
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