Example sentences of "[to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 Looking into those calm , assured faces in this odd setting I felt a stab of the futile longing to communicate that Alan Moorehead described on meeting a family of gorillas .
2 World Communications Year ( WCY ) began in January , The United Nations , whose brainchild the year is , has largely failed to communicate that WCY is happening at all , let alone why it is needed .
3 It was a necessary condition for the big leap in the ability to communicate that took place with humans , but it was not sufficient .
4 He must try to communicate that to the children who were filled with evident self-recrimination , Katherine particularly .
5 ‘ I could play games , but I 've got to catch that vote so this will have to be quick .
6 Now American politicians are starting to worry that Japan 's keiretsu syndrome may be creeping into America .
7 Some institutions , such as Mitsubishi Bank , are doing well to worry that it might .
8 Access to files sometimes leads people to worry that they will be sued if the record contains unprovable statements .
9 I know that if I suddenly start feeling pains anywhere in my body , I do n't have to worry that it is the side effects of drugs , as , regrettably , some athletes do .
10 Halfway through , I started to worry that an airplane would crash into the preview theatre .
11 Kelly was 12 months old when her mother first began to worry that all was not well .
12 She often seemed to worry that they would appear strange to me and out of key with the age .
13 This may lead owners to worry that the dog 's diet is deficient in some respect , but if you are using a balanced prepared food , then there should be no concern about this .
14 Foreign investors are beginning to worry that the Mexican peso is less solid than it looks .
15 To worry that your brother might make an unfortunate marriage when at any moment he might be killed was something she found difficult to understand .
16 Minton therefore had good reason to worry that the police might one day arrive to search the house , for one of the notorious aspects of the Montagu case was the disclosure that the police had done this without warrants .
17 We had begun to worry that Ramses was a deaf mute .
18 because you did n't have to worry that you were gon na have another child !
19 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
20 Anne was excited and happy about the baby , but she began to worry that John might be killed before the child was born .
21 All of this leads Fred and Beth to worry that the fatal combination of an explosion of ‘ free time ’ with a booming global market in consumer goods and leisure industries will spell the death of their great utopian dream that they have cherished for so long — individual self-realization , mutuality in work and levelling out of global economic inequalities .
22 c The increased use of condoms due to the spread of AIDS is causing farmers to worry that discarded condoms could choke their grazing bulls .
23 and not have to worry that they 're er gon na be a problem for mum
24 As a result of sharp cuts in state subsidies prices of essential goods doubled overnight , and increases in the prices of other goods were expected to outstrip that as they found true market levels .
25 With the view here towards Kirkby Bentinck , it is interesting to relate that the colour light signal was still glowing red just around the corner .
26 In this day and age when we are bombarded with books on climbing , it is strange to relate that there is no modern comprehensive history of mountaineering .
27 Few stories about their activities went beyond the editing-down of a long speech — except , perhaps , to relate that the occasion was attended by ‘ leading party and Government officials ’ .
28 Alas , I was to reach the age of sixty and retire before even the first sod was turned , but I am happy to relate that the building is now complete and occupied by AIB .
29 Froissart goes on to relate that while Thomas was abroad in 1380 , ladies of Mary 's family removed her from Pleshey , and soon afterwards she was married to Gaunt 's son , Henry Bolingbroke , later Henry IV .
30 It is strange to relate that this well-known symbol has been comparatively neglected by social scientists and especially by social psychologists .
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