Example sentences of "[pos pn] time " in BNC.

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1 In the Sudan she declares : ‘ My time is up . ’
2 The pretence that it exists in your time and my time .
3 Because I have wasted my time with something like that ?
4 But how else should I have spent my time ?
5 However , I was wasting my time — my gaze slid across the surface of the pages like marbles on a shiny table-top .
6 If grey was the colour that characterized the first phase of my time at Harwich , blue characterizes this next phase .
7 That they have cost me no more than my time makes such decisions much easier than if I had paid for them in gold .
8 ‘ Lucy , ’ said Jay , ‘ you have all my time . ’
9 I spend a great deal of my time in the Community ; Brussels and Luxembourg for the most part .
10 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
11 As an academic critic and university teacher specializing in modern literature and literary theory , I spend much or my time these days reading books and articles that I can barely understand and that cause my wife ( a graduate with a good honours degree in English language and literature ) to utter loud cries of pain and nausea if her eye happens to fall on them .
12 I am not now going to engage in lamentations about the ignorance and lack of reading of present-day undergraduates , though I have done so in my time , and could be easily provoked into them again .
13 The Unionist MP Ken Maginnis , a former UDR member , said : ‘ What I hope is not happening is that people who — as I would have had in my time — had montages for lawful and necessary purposes will be made scapegoats . ’
14 ‘ The only way I could organise my time , ’ he explains .
15 A considerable amount of my time since Annual Conference has been spent in following up Resolution No 25 which called for a specialist review of administration and expenditure .
16 So perhaps , if I spent my time explaining how and why I found difficulty , that must be some sort of substitute .
17 During my time at EMI , we received up to fifty tapes a week .
18 I was only seventeen and the girl would say , ‘ I ca n't do the ice creams today , it 's my time of month . ’
19 Ten days later she 'd say , ‘ I ca n't do it , it 's my time of month . ’
20 Lisa had a good degree from some northern university and had little trouble finding herself a job in a proper publishing house — 'Biding my time , ’ she said laughing .
21 When finally she becomes a mother-in-law she is entitled to tyrannise her daughter-in-law , reminding her that ‘ I have suffered in my time now it is your turn ’ .
22 What the hell are you doing anyway , cluttering up my office , wasting my time ?
23 I like looking in shop windows so I can take my time if I 'm on my own .
24 ‘ Where I spend my time people do n't bother . ’
25 Working as an au pair I spend most of my time in the house with young children , so I dress casually — usually in tracksuits or jeans .
26 I have heard of some stupid fashion details in my time , but this is the pits .
27 DURING my time in Germany ( 1984-88 ) the British Ambassadors in Bonn and East Berlin would twice a year set off on an official tour , once in his territory and once in mine , to gather impressions about the relationship between the two parts of the divided German nation and how it might develop .
28 And if something does n't taste like wine , I for one do n't want to waste my time trying to pretend it does .
29 The only occasion when rail closures were raised in my time at the Transport Department was in the spring of 1981 .
30 I went to see the proposed route of the M40 in my time as Transport Minister , but the full motorway was not opened until 1991 .
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