Example sentences of "[be] as " in BNC.

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1 This means , in turn , that the initial state of the learner must be as a possessor of vast battalions of hypotheses which are selected out as the child bumps up against the physical world and the human conceptual system .
2 She would be as if mute .
3 It 's said the engine is the same as any injected 1.6 but in this car it feels torquier , much smoother , more eager and quieter , though this could be as a result of top-down wind roar .
4 ‘ Our island will be as if in a state of war ’ one senior official was quoted as saying yesterday .
5 But my recollection of him will be as a friend and food expert .
6 That was great and started a whole year of being in America for me , which was seeing David as a major star and also for myself , experiencing life as it should be as a major star , with your cars and people looking after you and the record company being polite to you rather than treating you like shit and not working .
7 A better description of the Mafia would be as a network of criminal contacts regularly exploited by shifting alliances of ruthless drug-traffickers and extortionists , who flourish where politicians and policemen are venal or lazy .
8 Whereas biological control must be central to organic farming systems , the major potential application appears to be as a component of integrated farming systems which use limited amounts of chemical pesticides .
9 He is , after all , to be as a son to me . ’
10 Most of these would be as a result of late tests for congenital abnormalities .
11 Nick 's stunning selection of fashion photographs , taken while on location in Miami , certainly enforce his feeling that Miami is the place to be as a fashion photographer .
12 The ‘ splitting off of consciousness ’ , and the alien , critical attitudes which result , help to account for departures from convention which are particularly marked in women 's writing at many points throughout the twentieth century , and continue to be as a strong area of postmodernist development .
13 I think that diving can be as calorie consuming as you would like it to be . ’
14 ‘ If we do join the Third World it will be as a member of OPEC . ’
15 The Longhorn 's main role at present seems to be as a suckler dam or terminal sire and their popularity among commercial farmers is noticeably on the increase .
16 cf. Ps. 28 : ‘ Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house : thy children like olive plants round about thy table . ’
17 The stronger , more definite and consistent it is , the more important it will be as a symptom of the case .
18 When we have cares , we are not to look to pagan religious practices and philosophies for respite , but we are to be as the Apostle Peter put it ‘ Casting all your care upon him , for he careth for you . ’
19 ‘ Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet , they shall be as white as snow ; though they be red like crimson , they shall be as wool . ’
20 Albert 's philosophies crop up in the White House 's cancer policy paper , which is to be as a blueprint for everything from pesticides to pills .
21 BORINGLY familiar it may be as a measure the rise in the price of cigarettes in the latest budget gives me open , honest pleasure , though its smallness causes me disappointment .
22 He is not the only person to have responded on this point , which just shows how powerful anecdotes can be as memory aids .
23 Ideally this should be as part of a ‘ mock interview ’ set up with a friend or colleague .
24 a terrible ‘ Ow ’ — or totally good — a beautiful ‘ Mm ’ — and when distress is relieved it may well be as if they themselves have conjured up the goodness .
25 Instead of starting our own clubs and groups , I have encouraged our members to be as salt in many of the different activities of the centre .
26 ‘ Well , hopefully my future will be as a band unit with this singer , Kali .
27 But it must be as the result of Labour pressure — and clearly seen as such .
28 We all hope that they will eventually be as the recommended ones .
29 CHILD superstar Macaulay Culkin 's next role could be as a boy who gets divorced from his own parents .
30 However commendable prudence may be as an accounting concept , decline will put it under pressure .
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