Example sentences of "[be] leave " in BNC.

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1 Politically we are on a hiding to nothing in the long run and so I guess the only satisfactory way forward would be to leave badgers completely alone and compensate farmers in full for badger-related losses , including consequential losses . ’
2 Be sure to remember how poor lay reasoning about causation is : not to even try to collect the data required to test a hypothesis about the relationship between smoking and lung cancer would be to leave the doors open only to those who jump to conclusions on the basis of a sample of one .
3 Desire , it is said , is one of the prime motivating powers of human existence and we believe that to curtail desire would be to leave life without meaning .
4 The simplest option may be to leave the debt outstanding , extend the payment terms , and take new security or a variation of security .
5 The best solution may be to leave them with the society .
6 It might Just be to leave his door open .
7 In responding to each of these requests for information ( save that relating to teachers ) , the Financial Secretary stated that the effect of the Bill would be to leave their position unchanged from the previous law .
8 I think the best thing there would be to leave it for a week ,
9 She knew the right thing to do would be to leave , and the sooner the better .
10 Yeah My preferred option would be to leave the chap at home with the baby .
11 Such a catalogue inevitably tends to describe and characterise artists rather than evaluate them , while interpretation is likely to be left to quotations from the artists .
12 Perhaps directors in particular need to realise how much their vitality means to the continuing performance — that it is n't enough to be left up on a stage merely doing it night after night .
13 In such an unclear area , it was not to be left to Dáil members to decide , irrespective of whether it still remained an appropriate public measure .
14 Besides , he wrote , now that I am at last working on the big glass and have set up the two panels and locked them into their metal frame , notions like success and failure are no longer pertinent , there is only the project and its outcome , project , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , outcome , and words like success and failure can safely be left to others , wrote Harsnet .
15 Only the labels will be left , he wrote , for those who come after to examine and try to decipher , as sarcophagi and empty tombs are examined by archaeologists to try and determine who and what once lay inside them .
16 Asked to be left alone with the glass for a while .
17 Similarly , stainless steel cutlery should not be left overnight in dishwashers .
18 She 'll be left with nothing now . ’
19 The door would have to be left ajar for air and that might alert passers-by .
20 I do n't know , but maybe tomorrow you will come across someone who is homeless — maybe in desperate need of help , maybe asleep and just wishing , for the moment , to be left in peace .
21 Plums intended for eating should be left to ripen fully on the tree
22 The Ballerina series comprises three eating apples , all derived from ‘ Golden Delicious ’ which maybe accounts for their unremarkable flavour , and a very attractive crab called ‘ Maypole ’ which can be left to grow as tall as you like if you do n't want to pick the fruits .
23 Weeds sprouting in the path can be left or very easily dealt with
24 They take less than 30 seconds to do and they should be left until the last moment before the cable or rope is attached .
25 Room must be left on the upwind side in case there is a cable break or premature release , and on the down wind side in case the wing touches and causes a swing that way .
26 However , as a matter of principle and good airmanship , at least one full wing-span of clearance should always be left to allow for inadvertent drifting or swinging during landings .
27 This is the absolute minimum , and whenever possible much more room should be left , or an alternative landing area should be chosen .
28 Where the countryside is more hospitable , this can be left to a thousand feet or so .
29 Being able to land safely in fields should be one of the ultimate aims in glider pilot training and it should not be left to the pilot to decide for himself when he is competent to fly across country .
30 If the towplane gains speed by flying close to the ground , when it noses up to start climbing , the effect of the wind gradient accentuates the climb so that the glider may easily be left flying close to the ground , in or near the wake and below the tug .
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