Example sentences of "[be] her " in BNC.

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1 A moment or two later a man who , from his lanky form and fine-boned features , could only be her fiancé , Lord Woodleigh , emerged , evidently doing his best to overcome a certain reluctance .
2 Her neck prickles , this must be her hair going up on end .
3 Having won the Australian Open and now the French it means that Seles is on a Grand Slam roll , though she swiftly pointed out that Wimbledon 's grass might be her downfall .
4 It will be her first speech to the assembly for four years .
5 Ileana Cotrubas is not of that ilk , and many of her devotees must have been shocked when it was disclosed last weekend that her Covent Garden recital with Geoffrey Parsons on Thursday evening was to be her farewell British appearance .
6 That man , who was old enough to be her father , had ‘ completely destroyed her trust , ’ he said .
7 She has only to consent , to be passive , to welcome him and he will take her home , will welcome her into his kingdom and his kingdom will be her flesh .
8 She wanted now , at any price , to be able to sit in the rooms of young women who could be her friends and not feel that she was travelling in territory stranger than the night caves that were Fenna 's home .
9 There would be her breast filled with veins and glands , the source of Maggie 's milk and much of her own sexual pleasure , all pink and red and living , and there , in the heart of it , would be — green and gold and sparkling — the bright egg of her dreams .
10 Determined to be her Uncle 's guide Erika said , ‘ I think that we are going the wrong way , Uncle .
11 To follow Jill but not to be her successor ( who could be ! ) it is hoped to appoint an FYT Administrative and Resources Officer — see Sits Vac for details .
12 Quite a few people want to be her friend .
13 And so this property held for the wife 's separate use comes to be her ‘ separate estate ’ in Equity .
14 She tried to limit herself to the most important ones ( to nod ‘ yes ’ or shake her head ‘ no ’ , to point at an object her companion had failed to see ) , to use only gestures that did not pretend to be her original expression .
15 She felt very strongly that now was the time to start a new phase , when at last her life would be her own .
16 She , who had been forced to be her own person : first , by circumstances ; second , by temperament ; third ( as she fiercely told herself ) by inclination … and yet she , Jane , could not get him , Christopher , out of her mind .
17 Trade had been bad that night so she thought he 'd be her last trick .
18 ‘ No woman ’ , she had written , ‘ genuinely fancies a man old enough to be her father .
19 The nearly worst thing that could happen would be her father coming back .
20 Her head did not nearly reach his shoulder , and even from where I stood I could sense the gentleness , the protectiveness , which were to be her portion .
21 If people behaved badly towards her , then it must be her fault .
22 Thus woman 's sexuality is held to be her most important asset .
23 Kathleen Lavender started and , looking down at the spreading carpet of white beads , felt that it must be her fault .
24 But already there had been hints that this would not be her day .
25 Your heart would go out to her , Wilson , if you were to see how she struggles to be her old self but is exhausted after a mere ten minutes of conversation , and then she is obliged to fall back and take no more part in it though wishing to do so .
26 Devoy hinted that she expected Jackman to be her successor , by adding : ‘ She can have it [ the title ] after me . ’
27 She immediately won the support of leading members of Labour 's shadow Cabinet , including Mr Gordon Brown , the party 's industry spokesman , who is to be her campaign manager .
28 She used the noise as camouflage for what she felt to be her betrayal of her grandfather 's trust : ‘ He 's up at Pine Ridge . ’
29 Then it would be her lunchtime , and probably another feed , and after that they 'd send her for her afternoon rest , and then collect the specimens and the data from him for the next day 's test session .
30 She went her own way , made her own successes and failures , and cared for no opinion but her own , apart from that of people she knew to be her intellectual equals or superiors .
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