Example sentences of "[be] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Returning to the sea-urchin embryo , it can be seen that the animal-vegetal differences could be used to establish the boundary regions , that is , which end is to be which .
2 It is incumbent upon the researcher to explain clearly at the very onset why the research is being done , what sort of results are hoped for and what feedback there is likely to be which may help the potentate and/or expert who has helped with the project .
3 To think that he , a mere footie fan whose main worry used to be which trainers to don for the teen-mag centrespread , should bravely take on lyrical biggies like politics , passion , life , death , apathy , religion , hope , irony and despair .
4 A sixth relevant factor would be which of judicial review and the alternative procedure was likely to resolve the case more quickly .
5 Well it I mean already , it is having quite an im impact erm especially for items like furniture and bedding , and I mean bedding does n't last for ever , especially with a family , and I know erm they 're allowed every so often , but erm I mean I think erm the the cutbacks are becoming more and more and more and and people seem to be which means that we have to look around for voluntary erm agencies that ca such as , who can provide us with furniture or beds and bedding .
6 For example , ( 43 ) is matched by ( 45 ) , not ( 44 ) : ( 43 ) frogs croak ( 44 ) croak frogs ( 45 ) croaking frogs Adjectives in English are also distinguished from verbs by the separate peculiarity ( already implied ) that in assignment they must be accompanied by a form of be which carries tense , and which more importantly helps to mark the relation .
7 I 'll go in at first , I 'll see how much that 's gon na be which is about seven hundred pounds .
8 Thus , the rate for B would be which is now consistent with the fact of uniformly lower age-specific rates than A. You can check that standardizing A by B 's population gives a rate for A of 12.2 against B's 11.0 .
9 Farmers , it was claimed , were basically honest people but their book keeping was not all that it should be which could result in some omissions due to carelessness .
10 Now , you remember the really big puzzle on there , the imaginary bit goes there , and minus seven of something along the route bit and minus twenty four of them , so I 'm going minus seven six hundred and twenty fifths there , minus twenty four , seven , so the actual lines go like that , so the one point nine at that angle , so the actual is going to be which is two sixty one point nine .
11 supposed to be which I thought was good of them really cos you know , it 's nice to know is n't it ?
12 that 's what I 'm saying Mark , what , no matter what the state of the economy , the Russian military will be at the best it can be which will be
13 If a drawing description file refers to ‘ COLOUR 1 ’ , the actual colour will be whatever colour 1 is set to .
14 Moreover , older workers lose the right to be protected from unfair dismissal if they are over the ‘ upper age limit ’ ( this may be 65 or it may be whatever is the ‘ normal retiring age ’ for the job the individual holds ) .
15 The objective would be whatever end result is desired from the activity of discussing XY and Z. It might be to have decided something , planned something , agreed something , or merely to have discovered people 's points of view about something .
16 Then one day she came on her own and said right out , ‘ You know something , you can be whatever you are but I still like you . ’
17 In real life , as Anne proves , they can do and be whatever they want nowadays .
18 ‘ It could be whatever you choose . ’
19 Lace made on a knitting machine can be whatever you want it to be ; it can be filmy and fine for evening wear , lightweight in fine wool for a layer of warmth or used as a break inserted into the stocking stitch of a warm , chunky sweater .
20 you know , we we 're obliged to put that little bit in you know , there 's year seven , year eight , year ten the there wo n't be a tick in there and so the the these levels will be whatever you 've decided they are in the way that you asses but at the end of the key stage this report will go out in Au i in September now following SATS .
21 women are not sexy skinny women are not sexy , really skinny women we have to be like the Madonna type woman and I think that the , the , its about money and its about co , its about the consumer and about money and about making money from an image that somebody somewhere has seen as the normal perfect woman and the norm can be any thing it could be whatever you want it to be .
22 Thus , if the parties did actually turn their minds to the possibility that such things might happen ( e.g. that the goods might perish ) and provided in the contract for that eventuality , then the effect of the event occurring will be whatever is stated in their contract .
23 Selection criteria tends to be whatever is cheapest in ‘ Bargain Books ’ .
24 Thus the definition of IQ , under this doctrine , would be whatever an IQ test measures .
25 The purpose of a meeting can be whatever the project manager decides would be useful .
26 I do n't think it should become too academic , it should be whatever people want at the grassroots level , we have a couple of thousand years of patriarchy behind us and we 're not going to change things overnight .
27 Yes it can be whatever you like .
28 But since we have failed to produce a clear notion of context , what we include in context is likely to be whatever we exclude from semantics in the way of meaning relations .
29 Would n't it be whatever it is , yes .
30 ‘ I was asking you to be whatever you wished to be , cara . ’
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