Example sentences of "[that] these " in BNC.

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1 Other relatives and professionals collude in ignoring what they in fact know-that these people have lived together sexually , domestically and financially as if they were married .
2 Of course , surveys will continue to be written about American painting or German art , British sculpture or Australian print-making ; this fact of publication does not mean that these activities have an inner coherence .
3 He believed that these monuments succeeded compositionally from five or six angles .
4 It could be argued that these groups were formed as much for sociability as for making money , being made up of friends or acquaintances , but at any event their reasons fell short of promoting definite artistic programmes .
5 It can be said in his favour that the Michael X set seemed very like a fraud and a circus , and that these people had no deep connection with the politics of Trinidad .
6 Not every reader of his book can have come to it believing the chauvinistic claims that have sometimes been issued on behalf both of psychoanalysis and of oral history , or prepared to believe that these pursuits could be successfully combined .
7 This is a split that can rarely have been witnessed in Glasgow — which does not indicate that he was at fault in consulting his analyst , but does indicate that these autobiographies are sited in very different places .
8 We are told that these last four words are Rimbaud 's and the Surrealist André Breton 's , and that in 1968 they were a slogan of the protesting Sorbonne students .
9 But it can scarcely be in doubt that these books have in them home truths , and an ironic obliquity or duplicity , which richly relate to the world of Jaruzelski 's predecessors , and indeed to the experience of other countries where literature and opinion have been repressed .
10 But perhaps it will come to be thought by his readers that these successive attitudes to the autobiographical , and to plain speaking , in art are equally valid , equally reversible .
11 I do n't suggest that these unfavourable writings pushed him to do what he did , though I do n't mind suggesting that the bigotry and vicarious piety they may be reckoned to contain could be classed among the negative experiences of the last months of his life .
12 It is important to note that these organizations are internally stratified .
13 It is important to point out that these expressions which interpret Irish social reality and events are also used by the high clergy .
14 It is only during the time of waiting , wrote Harsnet , during the time without hope , that these things assume significance , only during the time without hope that one is conscious of them , that one remembers them with despair , that one anticipates them with dread .
15 Preliminary plans will show what the adaptation will look like — make sure that these are explained to you .
16 To suggest from within the institution that these influential and powerful units of control are essentially ephemeral and arbitrary constructs , involved in very limited and narrow areas of practice , will almost certainly lead to a rejection of the account ; and the findings are more than likely to be attributed the same metaphorical rejection as the activities of the villains and criminals , as was illustrated in the response to the study undertaken by the Policy Studies Institute outlined above .
17 The fact that these questions are being raised has significance for the authority of the police … and it is the single most important determinant of the style of policing .
18 I have also seen written applications for the CID ridiculed by those inside , and listened to the expressions of disbelief that these naïve applicants were ‘ so short of shillings that they did n't realise that admission was by invitation only ’ .
19 We should not , however , think that these years were those of some frustrated novice-monk ( not that Judaism has such in any case ! ) of solitary and sober reading from dawn till nightfall .
20 Why do we have to say that these thoughts are like mental actions ?
21 What is being attacked by constructivism is the assumption that these mental contents are , in some way , ‘ consciousness ’ , ‘ mental life ’ - whatever term we wish to use .
22 First , can we explain the impaired performance that these patients produce in terms of our functional models ?
23 This pattern of performance suggests that these patients find it difficult to assemble a pronunciation , but they can continue to read familiar words because the lexical system , utilizing addressed phonology , is still working effectively .
24 ( We are frequently reminded that the brain has many millions of neurones and that these have many billions of connections ) .
25 The wealth of experience that these three individuals bring to the operation is extremely broad-based and , combined with further expertise available through an international team of consultants , members ' requirements are resolved quickly and effectively .
26 It can now be seen that these pieces of equipment constitute a basic gym around which routines for both beginners and advanced trainers can be structured .
27 ( Remember that these values will depend upon the size of the egg , the type of milk , the cut of the steak and so on . )
28 It should be stressed that these increases should not be attempted unless you are finding the original routine fairly easy .
29 We are not able to list all the available sources of help in this factsheet , but we hope that these suggestions will help you to find the help that you need .
30 It may be because people are not aware that these benefits exist ; they do not wish to ask for help while they can manage on what they have ; or they may be too proud to claim , thinking that it is like asking for charity .
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