Example sentences of "[adv prt] as " in BNC.

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1 She 'd have let him get in as deep as possible and then started the pressure …
2 The shares opened at 47 ½ p and climbed rapidly to 56p as a number of brokers came in as heavy buyers .
3 This ca n't really be avoided but can be reduced by letting in as much ventilation as possible .
4 The Arup scheme had been a modernist design , which essentially built a wall around St Paul 's and squeezed in as much office space as possible behind it .
5 ‘ We could get in as third-placed team if United win the Rumbelows Cup and the League .
6 UEFA will need to rake in as much money as possible to satisfy powerful clubs used to making their own lucrative television deals .
7 All the trips and good times will be available in the normal fashion , and you can join in as much , or as little as you want .
8 It may mean that the mentally handicapped adult will not be able to engage in as productive a job as an adult with a higher level of intelligence .
9 They were by all accounts , cultured and responsible people who wished the child to die in as painless a way as possible .
10 ‘ Excuse me , ’ I said in as casual a voice as I could muster , and as the words left my lips a strange and wonderful thing happened .
11 This time he hugged the point , coming in as close as he dared to the rocks , and felt the gut-wrenching tug of the rip as he approached the shore .
12 Visualise the air you breathe in as clean and white and the air you exhale as dark and black , which takes with it both the toxins of the body and the troubles of the mind .
13 Take three deep breaths , breathing in as far as you can but without straining .
14 Using the dataset TOWNS , identify a transformation that will pull in as many of the upper outliers in the town sizes in 1981 as possible without creating new lower outliers .
15 It was a question of saving what could be saved , and retreating in as good order as possible .
16 Students were everywhere , on bicycles , on foot , gowns blowing in the wind , most of them I suppose cramming in as much of their studies as they could before call-up .
17 To be fair to yourself you should be certain that you are bringing in as much money as you should .
18 When I took a rolled-up sample of legal tender , printed by the Royal Mint , applied one end to my right nostril , placed a restraining finger upon my left nostril , rested the other end of the said note upon a mirror or any other shiny reflective surface , upon which was displayed a slender tranche or ‘ line ’ of exotic Colombian snuff , and breathed in as deeply as my lungs would allow , I was merely relaxing in a manner by no means untypical amongst overworked show-business operatives .
19 So a modern engine can need decarbonising in as little as 20,000 miles from new .
20 The enclosure stretched from Little Beck to Whitby Harbour , taking in as much land as possible .
21 This year he has endeavoured to compete in as many Challenge Tour events as he can .
22 All entries showed imagination and , more to the point , a keen enjoyment in the task of cramming in as many obscure and erudite words as you could find in the dictionary .
23 Farr-Jones is n't saying it in as many words , but he clearly feels that some of the doors opened by the World Cup triumph were not marched through quickly or expertly enough .
24 More than one million hotel rooms will be covered right from the start , and the idea then is to draw in as many of the smaller chains as possible .
25 They want to engage in as mature a fashion as possible in realities as they are being experienced in order to take and make their own authority for their existence without being caught in the many traps for immaturity which are open to them .
26 We 'd go barefoot in the fields and play fairies , and horses and keepers : the horse would have to step in as many cow shits as possible and the keeper would have to clean it up from between their toes .
27 It also did me a world of good , for I had to study the basic faith , teaching and life and express it in as simple words as possible .
28 If he gets in as much trouble as I did , I will be very understanding , ’ he said .
29 Keeper Jon Hallworth , beaten by Richard Hall 's header , said : ‘ Earlier in the season everyone was talking about us scoring loads of goals and letting in as many .
30 ‘ It 's better to triumph in as many races as possible rather than winning the World Cup with a series of good placings , ’ said the Italian , who has 28 career wins .
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