Example sentences of "[adv prt] more " in BNC.

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1 However , many philosophers today would probably go along more with Hare 's original position and say that although Kant may well have answered the third sort of question ( page 98 ) well , he has not adequately answered the second ( still less , it would generally be thought , the first ) .
2 ‘ Well , as I said , Else went along more for a night out than anything .
3 The Kimmeridgian stage of the Upper Jurassic is here developed to an exceptional thickness in a narrow strip along more than 10 miles of coast .
4 His brother said that he had been more excitable lately , and more ineffective , and running up and down more .
5 Now , with the Tokyo stockmarket 's Nikkei index down more than 23% from its December 29th peak , with the yen sliding against the dollar and with interest rates on the up , the mood has switched to fear .
6 In Britain the birth rate ‘ Bulge ’ , which hit its peak in the late Forties , went down more slowly than anyone had expected .
7 In the twenty-two years since Ian Paisley had campaigned for Kilfedder in West Belfast , the world had been turned upside down more than once and the three men had crossed and re-crossed each other , like figures in a bizarre dance .
8 As a master of the long line himself , Karajan would probably have endorsed some of Boult 's sentiments ( many of Karajan 's recordings have been put down more or less in a series of single takes ) , but he would also have agreed to an extent with Gould that ‘ good splices ’ can also ‘ build good lines ’ .
9 That means it breaks down more often and they are prepared to pay Dowding 's premium prices for fast service .
10 The Turkish military is believed to be sharing intelligence with Israel , which in 1982 carried out a highly successful raid on the Bekaa Valley , shooting down more than 80 Syrian planes .
11 In the defence of Tobruk his battery shot down more than 50 Stuka dive-bombers , for which he was awarded the DSO .
12 Given , then , that volcanoes have a predilection for the seaside , let's now pin down more precisely where they occur .
13 Wholemeal bread and flour can be eaten instead , as these are broken down more slowly and do not release glucose all at once .
14 I cried to come down more insistently than I had pleaded for a ride .
15 With that , or taramasalata , or pâté ( also usually high in fat content ) , you could well be packing down more than 400 calories before you even start your main course .
16 Species such as these which will accept a wide range of foods in nature are likely to settle down more easily to the aquarium feeding pattern .
17 When chipping and pitching into the wind , the ball will settle down more quickly and the stroke must be quite positive , with a quite noticeable acceleration through impact .
18 She was surprised and sat herself down more carefully than was necessary on the stone seating .
19 If for example women were turned down more often than men because their employment history was shorter , they were not in a skilled job , and they did not have a bank account , this would not constitute discrimination against women — as the conditions , only part of an overall scoring system , would not be absolute .
20 And he advised Premier John Major : ‘ Once you have accepted the slump in the pound you might as well bring them down more . ’
21 When nature has provided you with a highly efficient set of incisors capable of cutting down more than 100 trees in one season , and an overriding instinct to build complex dams up to 4,000 ft. long and 12 ft. high , you can regard yourself as one of her senior architects and master builders .
22 The place is electric with drama , with something weighty , weighted down more by the pressure of the storm .
23 The German economy stopped growing last summer and is now in deep recession , with industrial output in the year to March down more than 10% .
24 The biggest losers were Germany 's Mercedes-Benz , Sweden 's Volvo and Spain 's Seat , all down more than 30% .
25 But do n't add commercial fertiliser yet — homemade compost breaks down more slowly , so the nutrients wo n't be washed away .
26 The rain was coming down more heavily now ; the car splashed through pools on the uneven road .
27 In other departments business ran down more slowly .
28 You settle down more quickly in a place you know rather than a new place where you need time to get used to the seating , the lighting , the visual distractions .
29 Corridors that sloped down more and more steeply , so that they had to sit and shuffle down the last few metres .
30 But when the I L P wanted to lay down more militant lines the Labour Party wanted to throw them out anyway , and so the I L P-ers all decided that er the best thing to do was to leave rather than get thrown out .
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