Example sentences of "[subord] in " in BNC.

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1 For instance , we might suppose that a belief is justified iff in certain circumstances ( to be spelled out ) it would be knowledge .
2 The suggestion there was that we derive the account of justification from that of knowledge , thus : a is justified in believing p iff in certain circumstances a would know that p .
3 It 's all a bit iff in the clouds
4 This is one field of higher education where in some cases the fees from the overseas student are no higher than they are for British nationals .
5 I do this not only because the issues are easier to grasp in the case of perception than in the case of voluntary movement , but also because neurophysiologists of movement are less prone to wild claims than neurophysiologists of perception : most of the former would admit that we do not yet have the faintest idea how voluntary activity is able to utilize or over-ride reflex pathways ; how we mobilize so-called ‘ motor programmes ’ when we need them ; or even where in the nervous system voluntary movement is initiated .
6 For of all those peppered by the shotgun blast of criticism that came out of the Cleveland inquiry , where in little more than three months 121 children were diagnosed as actual or possible victims of child sexual abuse , only Dr Higgs still does not know her future and faces effective dismissal .
7 In the universities , where in the sixties rioting students and the educated tele-celebrities of the ‘ chattering classes ’ had commanded public attention , there were now dormant , apolitical students anxious only for their future employment , and embittered lecturers suffering a crisis of morale and lamenting the bureaucratic invasion of time traditionally left for teaching and research .
8 The last stanza of ‘ Exequy ’ is a summing-up of the kind of rituals described by Frazer in Adonis Attis Osiris where in the declining year the representative of the year-spirit was put to death , often by burning .
9 Those ‘ indestructible barriers ’ which in the Clark lectures he saw as characterizing post-Cartesian society are all too apparent in The Waste Land where in Bradley 's words , quoted by Eliot , ‘ regarded as an existence which appears in a soul , the whole world for each is peculiar and private to that soul ’ .
10 In so doing , they imagine themselves set in diametrical opposition to their society where in fact they have unwittingly accepted its crucial structural elements . ’
11 China , Rachel had told Maggie , was the place for dragons , where it was hot , and where in the villages great paper ones were paraded with veneration .
12 He was a good PTI , he made PT fun and did n't just stick to PT and running — but there was no messing about either and he doubled them across the barracks to the football pitch , Where in the next half hour they worked as hard playing football as they would have done in the gymnasium .
13 The council may recommend the nature and form of a reply or correction ‘ including , in appropriate cases , where in the paper it should be published ’ .
14 Just over the mountain in Kentucky is Harlan County , where in 1973 the miners fought a long and bitter strike .
15 Our duels were not on the scale of the later Clarke versus Prescott battles , where in the 1987 general election I saw a television chairman leave his chair several times to restore order .
16 I saw his grave when I took a short cut through the churchyard — a modest , friendly , even jolly little grave , where in summer moon-daisies and red clover grew , and quaking grass which little children call shivery-shakes .
17 So where in Ten Dudley Moore was merely menopausal , here Anthony Quinn is dead .
18 A list of Cornish saints recently studied in an early tenth-century manuscript , where in several cases the saints are listed according to geographical contiguousness of parochial dedications , suggests that the parochial structure of Cornwall , as we know it today , was already in existence at that time .
19 And in one village , a protest demonstration of thirty to forty inhabitants , ended in the local school , where in front of the crucifix and a picture of Hitler they prayed for ‘ the warriors , the fallen warriors , and for Führer , people , and Fatherland ’ .
20 At least it was in a courtroom , where in Perry Mason or LA Law the witnesses cracked and the truth came out ; at least it might sort out whether the central figure was hero or villain , and point to how far up the culpability went .
21 But to survive an arrow a mile from a road with a killer around to make sure I did n't make it … where in one 's mind did one search for the will to survive that ?
22 When the landlord refused to renew his lease , Walton moved to Bentonville , Arkansas , where in 1950 he was granted the franchise of the Ben Franklin chain .
23 Blake was then posted as an MI6 officer to the British Legation in Seoul , Korea where in 1950 he and other members of the legation staff were captured by the North Koreans and held prisoner until the spring of 1953 .
24 Where in the world is the water ?
25 Where in God 's name was Lachlan when he was needed ?
26 In spite of the continuing scepticism and regardless of the clinical faults of the new drugs , many attempts were made to find out how and where in the brain they worked .
27 Where in secret You dwell alone
28 When roads , buildings , telegraph-poles and trees are in view , it is easy to judge distances , but in the desert , where in the morning and evening there is not even a haze to blur distant outlines , it is nearly impossible .
29 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( LLNL ) in California , for instance , was once a naval air station , where in more innocent days the ground crews cleaned engines by hosing them down with carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethane ( TCE ) .
30 Prevailing weather conditions dictate if and where in a lake carp will feed .
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