Example sentences of "[v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 Correct timetabling in rural areas is essential to ensure that people get to work on time , and the consultative committee could examine such matters .
2 Currey noted : ‘ Although the treaty goes out to the World as the concurrent agreement of the tribe , it is in reality nothing more than the agreement of Lawyer and his band , numbering in the aggregate not a third part of the Nez Perce tribe . ’
3 The crowds , eventually numbering in the thousands , evolved into a spontaneous anti-war demonstration and headed across town , disrupting traffic while shouting ‘ No blood for oil ’ and finally rallying at the United Nations building .
4 Five years later the Football Association adopted numbering in the Cup final , using numbers 1 to 22 , but Chapman was not finally vindicated until 1939 — five years after his death — when the League made it compulsory , primarily for the benefit of spectators .
5 Baghoomian organised Basquiat 's last show in New York , and after Basquiat died of a drug overdose in the spring of 1988 , just a few months after that show closed , Baghoomian claimed a fifty percent share of all the works in Basquiat 's estate , numbering in the hundreds .
6 ‘ My game is about tackling in midfield and how the opposition react is up to them .
7 The subject they 're tackling in this report is one that makes the blood run cold in most people 's veins … including mine .
8 After an hour he came to a small roadside inn that stood on the crest of a shallow hill and , twisting in his saddle , he saw that the inn gave him a good view of the road right to the horizon so that he would see any French pursuit long before it represented any danger .
9 The dog leapt up at him , twisting in mid-air , its jaws snapping shut inches from his calves .
10 My mental eye , rendered more acute by repeated visions of this kind , could now distinguish larger structures , of manifold conformation ; long rows , sometimes more closely fitted together ; all twining and twisting in snakelike motion .
11 Through the leaping smoke and flames , the woman could be seen like a mirage , her bare arms raised heavenward , her burning flesh writhing and twisting in agony , her screams reaching a higher pitch than Sara could have imagined possible from any human being .
12 People are grabbing at each other and pushing , pulling and scuffling , or twisting in the air with imaginary opponents , urging their own version of violence .
13 I trip on something in the ferns , twisting in mid-air as my ankle gives underneath me and I slam backwards into the ground , winding myself .
14 ‘ Allow me to sit back in amazement , young Ashley , ’ I said , crossing my arms and twisting in my seat to face her .
15 Within another hour Nowak 's temperature was high with fever , he was rolling and twisting in the sheets , his body soaked in sweat .
16 And every day of those five weeks has been a knife slowly twisting in a wound .
17 She glanced sideways to see the hard mouth twisting in amusement , at her expense .
18 Nathan shook his head , his mouth twisting in a humourless smile .
19 A mumbled , incoherent sound bubbled and surfaced in her throat , and she clung to him for support , her fingers twisting in the silk of his shirt .
20 Each harsh look , each savage word was like a knife twisting in her heart .
21 The blow struck only partly home , because Satan was already twisting in mid-air , trying for another bite as he dropped away .
22 Thus cis-double bonds ( I ) , o- and m-phenylene groups ( 11 ) , or cis-oriented puckered rings ( III ) , all encourage bending and twisting in the chains and make regular close-packing very difficult .
23 She was twisting in his arms , hating the soft , insolent tone of his voice , the smug little smile on his mouth , hating , too , the fact that she felt powerless .
24 The heavy makeup melting even in the air-conditioning , the legless beggar who sleeps under the office porch and cleans their shoes in gratitude , the slums you can not observe because no roads go through the swamps and whose inhabitants do not exist for the State because the census officials can not reach them , the bomb-carriers serving as flower-pots , the boys selling themselves to the rich English ex-public schoolboys , the girls selling themselves to the fat German tourists , the police raping the boys and the girls they are protecting in the police-stations , the Committee officers boasting to Kate about the elegant jerk-offs in the massage parlours , their ever-decorative ever-bored wives boasting to Kate about their jewellery , the Thai girls saving up for eye and breast jobs , the luxury hotels where the high-class white whores hang out , the students shot by the military during a demonstration against the army regime , the girl students daring for the first time to stay out at night on the streets to picket , the crushing of strikes with bullets and beatings , the barring of political books in the Committee library , the anti-Communist adverts punctuating the Western films on TV .
25 Milton can not lift Satan to such great heights and put such great speeches in his mouth and then snatch them back denying in his authorial intrusions what he has just proclaimed through his character .
26 Resisting the urge to rout the pair of them by denying in Italian as fluent as theirs that she was any such thing , Luce kept her face impassive until the other woman had disappeared the way she 'd come .
27 The mansion becomes a sort of cultural Hades , the extreme tendencies of both characters grappling in an orgy of drugs , sex and violence .
28 It was leaping in stillness to receive the Light .
29 Bipedal leaping in kangaroos and bipedal sprinting in frilled lizards help to make their flight more startling and unpredictable .
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