Example sentences of "[v-ing] up " in BNC.

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1 As we leave him , he is blurredly registering clumps and layers of passing foliage , his lower lip moist and hanging out slightly , with an uncomfortable draught agitating up his trouser legs from the hole that was his very own creation .
2 we get on the train at , most of them get on at Elstree luckily so what we do is we open the doors and they 're always crowding up the bit where the door is and they say excuse me may I get on please ?
3 Shoring up Monopoly Catholicism
4 On the other hand , it does badly need shoring up .
5 So some banks will be forced to rely on retained earnings for shoring up their capital-adequacy ratios — unless they are ready to put up with a much slower growth in assets ( which few seem prepared to do ) .
6 The banks have been busy shoring up their capital and trimming their balance sheets , cutting loans and selling everything from government bonds to third world debt .
7 During heavy air attack , this trestling was invaluable for shoring up damaged bridges , arches and buildings .
8 IN the past few years , the cooperative movement in Britain has gained more of a reputation for shoring up outdated technologies than for pioneering new ones .
9 The Junkers , predictably , wanted none of this and their interests in the government , civil service and the military persuaded the government to continue shoring up the ailing Ost-Elbian estate system through continued tariff protection , artificially high grain prices and a policy of grants and loans .
10 Thirty were to be converted into gun-sloops , by shoring up the bows to accommodate a 24-pounder [ 11-kg gun ] …
11 Just as many equality feminists opposed shoring up the traditional family at the beginning of the century , so present-day Labour has been challenged internally time and time again — and externally by the women 's and lesbians and gay liberation movements — on its sexual politics .
12 If the choice now is between shoring up a democratically bankrupt Westminster or standing up for the restoration of Scottish democracy , then I am for Scottish democracy .
13 The veteran Eire international is careful not to be drawn into a new slanging match with Ferguson — but one of those reasons must be to show the United manager that he is not a crippled has-been , better equipped propping up a bar than shoring up a defence at football 's highest level .
14 Bond , 54 , the former head of a £400 million empire , spent three months on a prison farm near Perth before an Australian appeal court cleared him of concealing a £7 million fee for shoring up failed merchant bank Rothwells .
15 Clearly , the £250,000 reputably spent each year on shoring up the LTA 's publishing ego trip could be much better spend elsewhere .
16 Our deductive practice needs no such justificatory shoring up and can not be revised by rational argument , hence there is no circularity in deploying it in the explanation .
17 Its institutional pillars could do with some shoring up too .
18 The elaboration of new countermeasures as an established ideology reacts to increasing pressure has , up to a point at least , the immediate effect of shoring up its shaky foundations and further entrenching its spurious validity .
19 Acer America Corporation , which really wants to be a player in the reconstituted ‘ minicomputer ’ market , will be busy this week shoring up its defences at the low end .
20 On the other , he could have devoted his energies to shoring up the regime 's prestige , authority and ability to maintain order .
21 Yet revisionist work underlines the enormous difficulties that would have confronted even the most gifted of tsars in shoring up a rigidly conservative regime .
22 Hope could picture himself comforting Mrs Crump , shoring up the memory of her husband , praising him , assessing him , recalling ‘ mots ’ , reporting favourable comments , and then in would come the daughter , dressed entirely in black , and he would say , would be forced to say no matter what the consequences were , that the child was like the man .
23 They were talking about the House of Representatives at Weimar — ‘ That troublesome place ’ , as the T'ang continually called it — and about ways of shoring up the tenuous peace that now existed between it and the Seven .
24 A stupid game dedicated to shoring up the notion that they did not want to play together .
25 Therefore , while absence may spell the end of acquaintanceship , it will not in itself destroy friendship ; and while Dr Johnson was right to say that we should keep our friendships in good repair , the perpetual shoring up of friendship might suggest that it were less enduring than we had supposed .
26 The 24-year-old sweeper will lose three days ’ wages for deserting his father 's electrical business to take on the infinitely more difficult job of shoring up the leakiest defence in international soccer .
27 On the other hand , the United States carried out a series of crisis measures apparently aimed at shoring up the dollar .
28 Turning , walking , lofting up or down tubes on her predetermined course , she tried to keep her mind on the job .
29 Mrs Hollidaye 's dogs were left inside the car bobbing up at the rear window .
30 ‘ Oh , do stop bobbing up and down like a yo-yo , ’ she said .
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