Example sentences of "[v-ing] so " in BNC.

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1 It was surprising that an industry generating so many millions of pounds was prepared to use little more than the manager 's sexual tastes as its yardstick of talent .
2 The American Ornithologists ' Union became active in 1883 , generating so much information that the government established a Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammology in 1886 under C. Hart Merriam ( 1855–1942 ) .
3 I know what you girls are like , you say you 'll just have it short to see what it looks like , and then you say Pedro at the salon wo n't let you grow it just for the moment , and then you say you 've got to look your best for some wedding or other and you ca n't go with it straggly and then you end up not growing it again and if I do n't mention it every week you think I 've learned to like it and if I do mention it every week you think I 'm nagging so I do n't mention it and I 'm stuck with it .
4 He was tumbling so fast that the stars became blurred circles of light around him .
5 After all , most people live on the coast and there are large areas inland for sheep farming so wool must be cheap .
6 With her heart thudding so loudly that she felt sure he must feel it through her ribcage , she took another gulp of tea and waited , knowing he must speak , explain somehow what it was that had suddenly flared between them again .
7 Still , I decided , there was n't much fear of Mrs Chapman accepting so insulting an offer .
8 He reaffirms his pleasure at once again seeing so many of his loyal friends .
9 We fished for several hours without seeing so much as a fin .
10 At the same time , the mind must be in readiness for new ways of seeing so that it is already poised for the marvellous and even the illogical .
11 It 's still hard for me to cope with seeing so many people everywhere . ’
12 Going to my first feminist conference in the late seventies : the thrill of seeing so many women together , and , even more so , seeing so many lesbians openly showing their affections for each other .
13 Going to my first feminist conference in the late seventies : the thrill of seeing so many women together , and , even more so , seeing so many lesbians openly showing their affections for each other .
14 He was seeing so much of Fergie he was almost one of the family
15 It 'll mean seeing so much less of him , and God knows I seem to see little enough already , but being an only boy I 've felt I must pack him off to boarding-school to get some men in his life and break the apron-strings .
16 You get used to seeing so many things , you become immune to what would normally be considered perversions .
17 ‘ I do n't like the thought of other chaps seeing so much of you , that 's all .
18 " I do n't like seeing so far , " she said once .
19 Seeing so much technology in use , the car was ‘ looked over ’ to see if we had a radar detector — we did n't .
20 After seeing so many beatifically smiling faces of Mao , Chou , and Hua , as well as many jolly workers engaged in various agricultural and industrial pursuits , it was quite a relief to enter a large room the walls of which were absolutely covered with vitriolic cartoons against the gang of four .
21 For had it not been raining so hard on that Tuesday evening I would have arrived at the Philharmonia Hall in good time .
22 When they had left the cinema , they found it had been raining so Yanto decided the standing position would be favourite .
23 Anyway , that was the other thing , it was raining so hard , rattling at the windowpane in the dark … even so , I was convinced I 'd heard something , and at that hour there 's nobody else up except the baker , and he 's over here on this side of the Piazza , so I got up to take a look and saw this girl lying there in the rain .
24 By three-thirty it was raining so pitilessly that the sky had turned black and all the street lights were on .
25 you make an arrangement to have a game of tennis but the weather , you know i it 's snowing or it 's raining so a lot of them get rained off which is er quite sad .
26 I it were ca , it was , it was raining so much you see ?
27 But I did n't look , I did n't stop , it was raining so bad Thursday morning and windy that I I went to the market , I cut straight through and went up and Di went to get the paper then he went .
28 His children appeared to feel no bitterness about her stepping so swiftly into their mother 's shoes .
29 And with so many publishers completing so many courses in 1993 , it will be very interesting to see what is published for whom next year , and whether it is the market or the applied linguist who call the shots .
30 Almost as though she knew that Matey was thinking about her , McAllister looked up and said , ‘ I would never have thought that I would enjoy knitting so much , and the ladies ’ sewing circle , too . ’
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