Example sentences of "[v-ing] any " in BNC.

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1 To Jenny 's relief a surface water drain beneath the conservatory prevented the pond from becoming any wider , ensuring the adequate seating area inside the conservatory .
2 The Buckinghamshire assessments seem , on the contrary , to illustrate the other side of the story , of commissioners having to be directed by the Council to commence their labours afresh , employing any and every ‘ practice ’ to ferret out the truth .
3 G. W. Hastings , who was present , went much further in his hostility to male printers and thought it would be a positive " advantage if wages were lowered in the printing trade " , referring to the London union ( the London Society of Compositors ) as " one of the most powerful and most structured trade unions in London " , which , unjustifiably in his view , " prevented any printer employing any compositor at less than 33s a week " .
4 Such a calculation procedure could be embedded into any CAD system to perform the calculation of concentration values , employing any three nominated entities .
5 By their combination they prevent the master employing any journeymen they do not approve of , who as they say is not a fair man ; and all journeymen must ask the constable of the shop , for the time being , ( an officer appointed by the combination ) for work before they ask the master .
6 We stood on the top step , an icy wind driving any sleep from our eyes and faces , staring out over the snow-carpeted grounds .
7 any person driving any motor car described in the Schedule on the order or with the permission of the Policyholder
8 DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE Bill Clinton wants to be President of the world 's only superpower — a nation capable of swatting any other off the globe at the push of a button .
9 This court is in no way prejudging any defence of justification which may hereafter be raised in those libel proceedings .
10 If the intensification of use could be regarded as a material change of use , then planning permission would be required thus enabling any odour emission to be controlled by planning legislation .
11 SCSI and Ethernet devices are integrated closely into the system , enabling any processor within the system to be attached to a SCSI or Ethernet controller .
12 SCSI and ethernet devices are closely integrated into the system enabling any processor within the system to be attached to a SCSI or ethernet controller .
13 In Session 1969–70 the Select Committee on Privileges recommended that it should cover : ( a ) all things done or written in each House or in Committee for the purpose of business being transacted ; ( b ) all things done between members and officers , between members , and between members and ministers for the purpose of enabling any of these to carry out their functions .
14 ‘ Nothing in this Act shall be construed as enabling any court to make an order that is binding on the Crown or on any person in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown .
15 My language awareness course is intended to obviate the need for it by enabling any teacher to learn alongside the pupils .
16 and erm er , we , and that there are various other erm we ways in which the parties should be protected , erm , which I have n't had a chance to look at today clearly the costs of investigating , the proper costs of investigating any structured settlement would have to be dealt with on a later occasion , that it is somehow awarded , instead of protected that the plaintiff gives the defendant notice , seven day 's notice before instructing any account on to advise on the structured settlement , so if the defendant thinks the plaintiff is being wholly unreasonable they can come back to court , quite at liberty to apply and get , make his point of the directions on the therefore within these context these are the sort of orders which , on the behalf of the plaintiff I can see and I would respectively suggest that we go away , draw them up and hand them in toy our Lordship and come back later in the day if we have difficult
17 The Pumas path to the final saw them account for the second Hallamshire squad represented at the weekend , thus ending any aspirations of Yorkshire success .
18 Iran took part in the summits of the Non-Aligned in 1979 and 1983 , and the new Iranian constitution defined the basis of the country 's foreign policy inter alia as ‘ ending any kind of domination , … practicing non-alignment with respect to the dominating powers and maintaining mutual peaceful relationships with non-belligerent nations ’ .
19 North-East football joined in the celebrations with Newcastle United victorious at Leicester City ending any lingering doubts they might drop into the Third Division for the first time in their illustrious history .
20 ( This rate will be applied when difficulty is experienced in agreeing measured rates , for example time spent unloading materials , adjusting scaffolding for use by other trades and reinstating any work damaged by others . )
21 The blackness closed around , obscuring any lurking danger .
22 It has been suggested that the processing of gastrin in duodenal ulcer patients may be altered and that aberrent forms of gastrin that are immunoreactive but not bioactive may circulate , thus obscuring any correlation between gastrin and gastric acid secretion .
23 As Josephus says : ‘ They also do not value dying any kind of death , nor indeed do they heed the deaths of their relations and friends , nor can any such fear make them call any man Lord … ’
24 You are damaging the Labour Party , you are jeopardizing any opposition to this , this present Government , you 're jeopardizing the future survival of the Labour Party .
25 Under this scheme , voters can be penalised for failing to list tall lesbians , Egyptian cross-dressers , and short-sighted window-cleaners in the correct order of preference — although , in order to avoid discrimination , election literature is prohibited from revealing any details at all about candidates , including their names .
26 The social workers were bound by rules of confidentiality and legal requirements which prevented them from revealing any relevant information .
27 It was unnaturally neat , and it carefully refrained from revealing any signs of individuality .
28 If no agreement has been signed , the vendor may want an appropriate agreement before revealing any confidential information as part of the due diligence .
29 On the first occasion a violent thunderstorm blew up on that beautiful summer day , wrecking any attempt at further recording and causing damage to the equipment .
30 In accepting the payments the revenue were doing no more than agreeing that they would not be treated as prejudicing any such right .
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