Example sentences of "[v-ing] its " in BNC.

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1 The dog measured its blond belly in the mud , agitating its stern .
2 It was the end of the afternoon , an east wind was chivvying its self-important way across the North Sea , the sun was losing its heat , and most people had gone home .
3 The powers of the Lords , in relation to any Commons Bill which he so certifies , are restricted to delaying its ultimate passage for only one month .
4 A pall of smoke from the burning oil wells passing over the Indian subcontinent may have cooled the land temperature by 1 °C , reducing the land-ocean temperature gradient and so weakening the monsoon , delaying its onset , reducing its inland penetration and decreasing rainfall amounts ( Rao , 1991 ) .
5 If " Creole " is a second dialect rather than a second language , delaying its acquisition until adolescence will still have a limiting effect on how well it can be learned .
6 In explaining its operation , it is easier to describe a simpler arrangement that would actually be used in practice .
7 Its cover goes some way to explaining its theme : an immaculately manicured female hand crushing a pair of golf balls .
8 The club issued a statement explaining its move :
9 ‘ Look here , Miss O'Brien , if you 're really serious , why do n't you write a few handbills , saying what ’ Factota Limited' is and explaining its aims , and send one to everyone in the village ?
10 Her husband vaunted what he called his ‘ poverty ’ , without , of course , ever explaining its cause .
11 The geneticist 's language is no more nor less metaphorical when he calls the gene selfish than when he depicts it as though itself working out the solutions in games theory by which he is explaining its survival .
12 Despite making good use of quotations and explaining its objectives clearly and quickly , the accounts lacked notes , and it also failed to explain one of its funds sufficiently .
13 Essex Water is giving a presentation explaining its reasons for the application and answering questions on March 25 .
14 He rejects the criteria favoured by Thompson not , of course , out of mere dogmatism , but rather because he believes that the self-consciousness of a class is not a crucial factor in explaining its birth and development .
15 Reportedly UI has spent the last six months explaining its vision to these companies ( UX No 391 ) .
16 It is important to know what the acceleration of a body down a surface would be without friction as a start to explaining its actual acceleration .
17 There are other reasons for using the phonological code , either before or after word recognition has been obtained , and some which go towards explaining its extensive use include : 1 allowing the generation of a memory of what has been read , 2 imposing an intonation upon the print in the service of comprehension , 3 imposing an external control on the reader 's attention to help convert the two-dimensional spatial display of text into a form appreciated by our temporally one-dimensional conscious processes .
18 This subjective impression among left-wing intellectuals such as Aragon and Nizan that the Soviet experiment would in some way resolve the contradictions of the writer/intellectual ensnared in the alienating social relations of capitalism is a key factor in explaining its attractiveness for dissident French writers in the 1930s .
19 The essence of the balance sheet is that the sum of the fixed and current assets shall equal the capital employed , thus explaining its use in the company .
20 The essence of the balance sheet is that the sum of the fixed and current assets shall equal the capital employed , thus explaining its use in the company .
21 Indeed , if we fail to take such drives into account we shall fail more or less totally in accounting for his behaviour , and certainly in explaining its evolution .
22 The argument is , then , that a greater surplus can be extracted from this sector by not employing its members on a regular wage-earning basis .
23 Individual members can be strengthened by the acquisition of personal and committee staff , whereas the legislature as a whole can , by employing its own bureaucracy , better compete with the vast bureaucracy of the executive branch .
24 On balance the economy of the dispatching countries would have benefited more by employing its human resources than by expelling them .
25 He called on the Soviet Union to show " good faith " in resolving its long-standing disagreements with Japan over the disputed Kurile islands to the north of the country [ see p. 38148 ] , and finally he affirmed his faith that the USA would remain the " cornerstone " of Japan 's foreign policy .
26 From 1981 , Friends Provident also pumped money into the business , bankrolling its expansion until it was floated in 1985 .
27 Homoeopathy is a process of natural healing in which the remedies are used to assist the body to heal itself by stimulating its natural healing powers .
28 The problem of cell cycle control can thus be re-phrased in more precise terms : how do growth factors acting at the cell surface bring about the onset of DNA synthesis by stimulating its promoting factor in the nucleus ?
29 Where the problem exists in one part of the country , or in one community , it is greatly magnified through the small screens in the sitting room , which multiply that problem by stimulating its imitation .
30 Pregnancy It had been Louise 's pregnancy which caused the mole to appear , her change in hormones stimulating its growth .
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