Example sentences of "[v-ing] her " in BNC.

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1 That was good ; it gave her something to think about other than the pain lacerating her heart .
2 Silencing her with a hand enveloping her face , I half-lifted her and so we entered the cave , the girl struggling furiously .
3 A numb coldness was enveloping her heart .
4 She locked her arms around the small of his back and pulled him hard into her , crazed by the sensation caused by his utter maleness enveloping her softness .
5 Blanche shuffled in her chair , agitating her toes to restore the circulation .
6 Jane Pargeter was determined to look relaxed , Dexter thought , even though the number of times she kept bobbing her mouth down to sip her tea showed that she was not .
7 But in a moment , the others were beside her , praising , questioning , almost adoring her courage .
8 Roseberry 's musical background might go some way to explaining her ‘ good ear ’ as well as her sympathy for musicians trying to catch the attention of A&R departments .
9 Ms Siobhan Fahey ( see below ) has been explaining her emigration to the south of France .
10 Around a surrealistic voice sampled from some US TV slot ( where a female patient is explaining her habit of grinding her teeth down to stumps in her sleep ) and a garbled vocal , Therapy ? build up a wall of solid playing that only they can eventually tear down .
11 The level at which this is pitched and the textual content naturally varies depending on the course and the contexts range widely : one day we might focus on the language of a rape victim in Panjabi ( which we roleplayed in Bedford Police Station ) , the next a simulated interview in Arabic on child abuse , and the next a Vietnamese patient explaining her persistent earache to the doctor , a symptom masking the deeper one , i.e. the trauma of being a refugee .
12 ’ … and , so I will enjoy her this night before explaining her position to her in the morning .
13 ‘ I 'm afraid what he has to say will cause considerable distress , ’ she said , after explaining her reason for telephoning .
14 She 'd been so sure that Marianne would waste no time in spreading her poison — now she did n't know how to start explaining her disappearance .
15 Explaining her painting strategy in producing within a closely defined genre , Delia says ‘ I do n't do ‘ Spaniels ’ as a type .
16 Even if fitzAlan had not been involved , Isabel knew she would have to find another way to save her brother , because she could not deceive the anxious , sweet-faced lady who was gently explaining her new duties .
17 And Harriet opening her mouth but then both of them giggling wildly .
18 She accepted them without opening her eyes .
19 ‘ It 's a pity about Celia , is n't it , ’ she said , opening her eyes .
20 Then she brought him her account book , which she had kept faithfully from the first day of opening her house , and showed him the state of things .
21 ‘ Why , Wilson , ’ Mrs Browning said , opening her eyes wide , ‘ it had not occurred to me , nor I am sure to my husband , to think Ferdinando might not go with us .
22 There was of course Ferdinando , but she hesitated over opening her heart to her husband , who would in any case need her letter read to him and would be unable to answer of his own accord .
23 ‘ Oh yes , ’ said Sadie , opening her pamphlet .
24 ‘ Come on then , ’ she said and , opening her door , hopped out .
25 Jack took hold of her arms but she stood there limply , staring at him with her wet eyes , opening her wet mouth .
26 Susan was already opening her eyes .
27 She was not grief-stricken the way she had been when her father died , but sorrow was a weight which kept her from opening her eyes on a world where she would sorely miss his company .
28 Yes , I 'm all right , ’ Tamar replied , opening her eyes and then veiling them with the black sweep of her lashes , but not before Tempy had seen the gleam of triumph in their topaz depths .
29 I remember my mother cried towards the end , opening her handbag to take out an embroidered handkerchief so I caught a whiff of ‘ Evening in Paris ’ , whose blue bottle stood on her dressing table at home , its silver trademark of the Eiffel Tower reflected in triplicate .
30 Now she pleased Miss Beard by opening her eyes wide and looking suitably impressed .
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